Another year is beginning...could I be any more not ready?
I think not.
- But over the years I have met some pretty amazing people that have helped make me who I am today, and for that, I thank you all.
There are too many to name, but if you had known me for awhile and I have ever taken you into my confidence, then you must know how important you are to me. I am an uncaring, untrusting person for the most par, but you have shown me how to do both.
I have recently gotten close to some of you that I didn't know before, and I hope it continues.
Jesse aka brother, Alex aka Cotner, Hilly aka Ary, Brit and Aeriel, you are all new to me. You are all teaching me things! Scary though that may be.
- My mother always said if I had a brain, I would be dangerous......Look bitch, I'm dangerous! What I wouldn't give to be able to say that to her. But that's neither here nor there, now is it?
I love you morgan, please don't are so much like me it isnt even funny. What will I do without you?