Danke schön,
kufi To do the quiz:
1. Go to careercruising.com
2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top 10 results. (Or however many results you want).
Here's the Top 10 with commentary, as well as some of the more... offbeat ones from further down the list.
Your Career Suggestions
1. Private Investigator (huh... interesting)
2. Arts Administrator (...not really)
3. Director of Photography
4. Petroleum Engineer (being that I had to relearn freakin' long division for the ECON course I took last semester, methinks this is unlikely)
5. Industrial Engineer (see above)
6. Conservator (...could be interesting)
7. Chiropractor (...hearing my own neck pop creeps me out... I don't think I could do it to others)
8. Hydrologist / Hydrogeologist
9. Plastic Surgeon (YES! I get to stab people in the face with needles full of deadly poison... all for the sake of vanity!)
10. Surgeon (This appeals to me, but I doubt I have steady enough hands)
13. Obstetrician-Gynecologist (AHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAH)
20. Anesthesiologist (hey, with a few years' exposure to leaky hoses, I'd be able to drink my weight in alcohol!)
23. Corporate / Commercial Lawyer (no thanks, I like having a soul)
24. Lobbyist (see above)
27. Forensics Specialist (I study what men are capable of doing to each other in macrocosm, why not experience it in microcosm?)
29. Politician (only if I get to be drunk, corrupt, and loved simply for my entertainment value... kind of like old King Ralph)
30. Civil Litigator (a lawyer-crusader? This appeals to my quixotic side)
31. Criminal Lawyer (I'd be too tempted to kill my clientele)
36. Special Effects Technician (Hey, I'd get to torch things, or blow them up... or BOTH!)
39. Pharmacist (Bonus points if I get to be a crooked one!)
40. Actor (I honestly thought this would have placed MUCH higher...)