I keep avoiding posting anything of any real substance or value to my friends for a variety of reasons and I'm sorry. I know some of you really do care and want to know these things. Mostly, I don't think I have the patience or attention span to really sit down and update anyone. Also, my life consists of two modes: FUCKING BIZARRE and slightly tragic and I get the feeling often that people A: Would not believe the bizarre and B: Get tired of the tragic, as I do seem to whine a lot.
I did get a new car, though. I traded in my poor, dying Volvo for a 2005 Toyota Solara SLE. Paying off the difference, of course. The Volvo was in really bad shape.
Guillermo healed up perfectly from the spat he got into with my Dad's dog Alcatraz a while back. He looks great despite my previous comments remarking on his similarities to Frankenstein. My bad, Mo.
I've also been holding off on moving into the new house, my Mom's been hinting at our family and company possibly moving to Florida in the near-ish future. I'm doubtful about it but it would suck to get this house, put a lot of money into it, then have to sell it prematurely and lose a fuckton of money. :| My last local friend is about to move a good hour and a half away from where I am (even if I don't move to Greenville, then it'll be about two hours) so it's not like I have a lot left to keep me here aside from job and pet-related constraints.
Aaaaanyway, have a Kahega.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v298/Grimmorph/KahegaFan.jpg ... It looks like my mom's trying to sacrifice him to the ceiling fan but I promise that's not what it is. The orange on his chest is deepening, so it's pretty safe to assume he's probably male afterall.
I'll try to be around more in coming weeks/months/whatever. Something about winter just makes me antisocial and moody I guess. :|