So, tonight I saw Jeff Ott (for those of you that don't know him, he was former singer of Fifteen and Crimpshrine) play at a house show.... so good. Seriously, was just amazing. He played so many of the old Fifteen songs and the whole room was crowded around him singing along. I shot nearly 1 1/2 rolls of film, so some year I'll get that developed and share with everyone. Also, the show was recorded, I heard some of the recording and it sounds great. It's supposed to play on San Diego pirate radio sometime soon. I'm going to try to get a copy of it on cd as well, so if anyone I know wants mp3s of it after that I can make em.
I figure I might as well make a general update for those that I don't talk to often. I've been pretty busy with my new job... seriously, it's like my dream job. I'm now working at UCSD as a systems administrator. Other than that, I'm around on weekends (now that I don't work weekends, yay!). So if you're a friend on my list that I haven't talked to or hung out with in ages, please feel free to contact me and we'll hang out. My # is still 51O-331-2352... or you can just reply... or email me.
Oh, an update on my website... yeah, I added some new photos a couple months back. I also got my own domain, So everyone needs to go check it out or something.
All right, bed time for me... I'm old. I get tired at 9pm now. Don't make me repeat my stories of walking uphill in the snow both ways to get to school... and turn that damn racket down! No, I'm kidding. Hope everyone is well. Thus concludes my semi-annual lj update.