I'm still here...Really

Oct 14, 2003 21:16

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted anything on lj, but I'm finally getting my act together and so here I am. Now for just a quick update on my life. Things are going pretty well for Chris and I. He's a little shy about some things, but it's cute. For Halloween I am dressing up with cacstusstar and ceolwul and my friend Kari. The theme is going to be Alice in Wonderland and I'm going to be the white rabbit. Yes, you have permission to laugh and I would be disappointed if you didn't. And yes, there will be lots of pictures of all of us. It will rock. I'm beginning to go a little crazy right now because I have 3 term papers that are all due on the October 30th, so that's a lot of fun. I have also decided that my housemates Chris and Brandon are simply wasting valuable oxygen. Several others share my opinion, but I digress. Other than that everything seems to be going along fairly well.

Oh yeah, I saw in the Nexus yesterday that President Bush declared the week after National Coming Out Day, the Marriage Protection Week. What a bastard! This not so subtle spitting on gay rights just pisses me off. It's bad enough having our governmental policies being handed down from someone who got kicked off the short bus in school. I am furious that he feels he has any right to try and force his self-righteous morals on the country as well. Just because I am gay doesn not mean that I will never find someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I have jsut as much right to that as anyone else. And people let him get away with it too. Sometimes the intolerance in this country, not just for homosexuals but anything, just makes me sick to my stomach. Oh well. Enough of my ranting for now. I just need to believe in karma and that everyone will get theirs in the end. Later all.
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