Oct 06, 2003 22:35
Ok. I met this guy when the night of Amythyst's party. He seems pretty nice, but I'm not sure if we're going to be compatible with eachother cause we seem to have a lot of differences. I 'm a little hesitent when it comes to relationships because of one or two bad ones that didn't go well. I ended up hurting those people unitentionally, but I still feel like complete shit for it. I realized that those relationships were in bad directions and I moved to stop them because I knew it was only going to get worse and hurt more later. I hate what happened, but I also understand that it was for the best and in the past and I can't do anything about it now. Still, I don't like hurting people or being hurt and I'm afraid that both of those could happen again. But I know that I also have commitment issues, so it could just be those talking right now. Anyway, I just needed to get this off my chest and out in the open. Thanks for spending the time to listen to me whine. And if you happen to have any insights to share, suggestions are welcome.