That's practically what I feel when I saw that Tegomass announce their new tour in 2011
The tour will last from October to December, more information
here @tegomassmatsuri LJ
Wow that's not what I'm expecting while waiting for NEWS activity, I've always think if Tegomass release another single/album this year before NEWS it'll mean bad news for NEWS activity, but tour?? Isn't that mean confirmation for no NEWS activity this year?
Is not that I'm not happy for their activity but I want to see NEWS this year T.T
If they don't have new single is that mean they're absent from end of year music program?
Huh I never understand Johnny...
But well congratulation for Tegomass new tour ^^; Tegoshi must be happy to be able do group activity XD
NEWS will comeback later with great song to make all the effort to wait not wasted! :D
Oh and is that mean new album for Tegomass?