Mar 23, 2013 14:22
I haven't posted in over a month, and it seems like a lot of people are posting less too (or quitting posting altogether). Is LJ dying/dead like Myspace? So sad.
I went for a motorcycle ride after lunch and got semi-lost, but it turned out it was a good thing since I found a new motorcycle road (lots of curves so I can lean my bike which is what I live for). I got onto a road that I wasn't sure whether it was going to lead me back to a road I was familiar with or whether I was going to end up on the eastern shore of Maryland, with the only way back being going back on the road I just came on. Admittedly I was only on that road for about 15 minutes, but nothing looked familiar for quite a while. It also didn't help that I was just starting to feel cold (it was mid 40's). I am still waiting for proper warm weather to really enjoy riding. Since I only got my license/bike in late September, I have yet to experience riding in truly warm weather, where I could think about riding for hours and not worry about being cold. Of course I have yet experience being hot as hell riding, something I am not looking forward to either.
After over five weeks (when I was told it would only take 2-3) I passed the background check the county did for my application to become a EMS (fire/ambulance) volunteer. The next step if I continue is to schedule a full physical and stress test which I've been told takes at least 2-3 weeks to get an appointment date. I am starting to have second thoughts of continuing to try becoming a volunteer. The fact that I am a good 20 years older than the average age of a volunteer, am not very sociable by nature (and considering most volunteers are men, talking about sports bores me to tears), and the huge time commitment involved are making the seeds of doubt in my brain grow. I like the idea of volunteering and helping people out, but I have a fear that the reality of it will be much less enjoyable, and possibly even depressing. I say that since I can see myself not being accepted by the other volunteers, which would make it a very isolating time at the station. I feel isolated enough at home and that was one reason for volunteering - just to get out among people, like at a poker table, but without the risk of losing money :). I plan on waiting a few days and if my outlook does not change, I think I will call the volunteer coordinator back and tell her I am bowing out.
Despite mediocre reviews, I plan on seeing "Olympus Has Fallen". I can stand a bad plot and semi bad acting as long as the action scenes are numerous enough and entertaining enough to carry the film. Hope I am right in my choice.