Entitlement society

Mar 01, 2012 16:16

This morning I was listening to a radio host of a local station talking about how far into a movie time-wise could you walk out and still have a shot at getting your money back.  His theory was you could not do it more than 1/3rd the way through.  Callers calling in said they would do it, sometimes close to half-way through a movie and the ticket agent/manager wouldn't even check the time.  The host tried to justify it, comparing it to sending back food at a restaurant.

In my view this is so wrong, wrong, wrong.  I got unreasonably miffed at the host (which I do like listening to usually) and the callers. First off, it's nothing comparable to a restaurant.  In that case, the place is directly responsible for preparing and serving you the food, so has total control of the product.  In a movie theater, the theater agrees to buy a movie months ahead with very little knowledge of the finished product.  It is up to the consumer to read about the plot/reviews/etc before deciding to see a movie.  If you exhibit bad judgement and don't like the movie you picked, feel free to walk out, but be prepared to eat the cost.  It's directly comparable to buying a book or movie from a bookstore/Amazon, not liking it, and then expecting that store/website to refund your money.  The theater does it in a lot of cases just to not alienate a possible repeat customer, but maybe they would be better off not catering to that type of customer anyway.

I really don't know why I got soo ticked off about that subject, except that I just see it as a larger problem with our entitlement society.  Nothing is ever an individual's fault anymore, it's always someone/something else that is to blame.  
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