Mar 27, 2012 22:09
There are actually people who will say to my face without blinking an eye that "folks are needlessly injecting race into this Trayvon Martin business."
Stupid shit like this makes me feel homicidal.
race in yo face,
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You cannot throw the label of Discrimination or racisim on investigators simply because you don't like the outcome.
There isn't definitive evidence for anything period ... People and media believe they have the story pegged, but the only one with any sort of answers is the Police ... you cannot go through life mistrusting the people who protect the public.
There is no record of discrimination or biast from the department ... so if their is no evidence, if there is no proof of what happened.
There is nothing that can be done.
You can hate the law ... but then what happens in a situation where someone needs to defend themself for real and they're acused of murder?
I'm not saying you can't feel the way you want to.
But it's not about Race ... it's about a kid being murdered and a man who used the system to get between cracks, cause he's out of his fucking mind.
When you inject race into it, you lose the need for a family to get closier and justice and turn it into something that loose sight of the individual crime. People make it out to be about them, when it's about the family.
The guy was some nut job liberal of some sort who thought he had the right to patrol the neighborhood with firearms and the kid was into pot and had a record himself, so he's no saint ... but it doesn't mean he needed to murdered.
But it isn't about race.
Why wasn't Zimmerman arrested? Many different responses to that.
Would he have been arrested if he'd been black and had shot and killed an unarmed white boy in a hoodie?
Come now.
How lovely, phantomwriter05, that you actually tell other person (who also happens to be your *friend*, I gather) how to read the media. Especially after she's distinctly expressed she's unhappy with it; that's exactly the way to support people, to tell them they're ~all wrong~ and should read it the same way you do. Bravo.
There isn't definitive evidence for anything period That's quite bollocks. There of course *is* evidence for things. Otherwise, all kinds of debates would be meaningless, and wouldn't originate in the first place. The evidence is there, it's only a matter of putting it together and see where it points.
but the only one with any sort of answers is the Police
How nice of you to to imply there's a monopoly on answers, yet alone claim a (often oppressive) institution of *power* holds them.
you cannot go through life mistrusting the people who protect the public. No. But I'm glad to know what sort of a person you are by that comment, siding with the powerful, siding with those that do injustice to people as a generic rule. Some people have bloody good *reasons* for their mistrust, and to dismiss it as irrational in any way is just hostile.
so if their is no evidence, if there is no proof of what happened.
There is nothing that can be done. Of course there's a proof of what happened, always. There are all kinds of proof, psychological is one, witnesses' testimony is another, heck even the usual *habits* of any chosen demographics are useful for making conclusions.
But of course, some prefer to add excuses on why *not* care.
When you inject race into it, you lose the need for a family to get closier and justice and turn it into something that loose sight of the individual crime. People make it out to be about them, when it's about the family.
Oh, an expert on what the world is all about. Newsflash: Motivations of individuals aren't coming out of a vacuum. And 'justice' *does* function differently depending what social status you do have. People seeing oppression aren't making it up, for Christ's sake.
The guy was some nut job liberal of some sort who thought he had the right to patrol the neighborhood with firearms and the kid was into pot and had a record himself, so he's no saint
And you're *still* victim blaming here, implying those people had some sort of, look at it reader, *unacceptable*, less reasonable, sort of behavior, that got them attacked. NO. It was only the perpetrator(s)' fault these people got attacked, and worse. FULL STOP.
Hope you're okay, Figs. <3
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