William Jefferson Clinton

Dec 03, 2007 16:16

Bill clinton gave a speech today at Brandeis and there were over 5000 people there but luckily i got a left side front row seat. I showed up at 11:30 like it said to on the ticket and there was a line and whatever and it was snowing pretty hard but it wasnt too bad. By arriving at 11:30 it should have been a wait up till 1:30 to get in cause of secret service but no one showed up cause they wanted to avoid the line so everyone came late so i waited for 3-4 hours in the auditorium for them to start.

Some band played first then a speech by my president then Bill Clinton appeared out of no where behind some curtains so everyone clapped hooray. Then he said happy hannukah in an extremly akward way but it was funny lol(n). His speech was ok. He didnt bring up hillary's election till the end where he was like telling us she should be elected because then everything he said today would happen.

I'm not a democrat and by far not a liberal but I have to say I was still able to appreciate some of the things he said even though a lot of it was bias and calling bush an idiot without using names.

I wasnt tasered today which is good i guess.

"xxbest deception (4:32:26 PM): brandeis schmanedis"
Shes soooo jealous he didnt go to her school but luckily for her "xxbest deception (4:11:48 PM): my snow boots came today," her snow boots came today ;). Wow she's such a cutie.

Love Jeffrey
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