Higher expectations

Jan 29, 2006 10:21

I expect too much, I guess.

I expected truth from the Alito confirmation hearings.

I expected the Judiciary Committee's members, Democrats and Republicans alike, to ask clear and incisive questions that if answered, would tell the truth, or if not, would expose the lie.

I expected somehow there would be a light shining through the obfuscation recent nominees have embraced regarding their beliefs.

Alas, with so many unanswered or unasked questions from Capitol Hill, here are a few questions for us, (from the Buzzflash "poll America"):

1) Do you believe that a President of the United States should be allowed to break the law?

2) Do you believe that the balance of powers enshrined in our Constitution should be changed to make the President much more powerful, giving him the right to interpret the law as he sees fit?

3) Do you believe in altering our Constitutional system of checks and balances?

4) Do you believe that the federal government should be prohibited from regulating the individual possession of machine guns?

5) Do you believe that the Federal Bench should inhibit voting rights?

6) Do you believe that the police can strip-search a ten-year old girl even though there is no warrant to perform such an action and the girl is not implicated in any legal activity?

7) Do you believe that the Federal and local governments have a right to violate your privacy?

8) Do you believe that the Federal government should be prohibited from enforcing laws that clean up our environment?

9) Do you believe that the Federal government should be prohibited from protecting the health, safety and welfare of its citizens?

10) Do you believe that a Supreme Court nominee who lies to or misleads Congress during his hearings should be confirmed?

Now, we suspect that if you asked the above 10 questions, more than 75% of Americans would answer "No," meaning that they would oppose Alito. That's because Alito would answer "Yes" to all these questions, if he were to answer them truthfully in a confession booth.

(See http://www.savethecourt.org/site/c.mwK0JbNTJrF/b.1359291/k.8C02/Alitos_Record.htm)

It is not to late to email or call your Senators.
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