BORED??? do me!

Nov 14, 2004 19:29

Id like to ask a favor of anyone willing to participate in a survey for one of my classes here. It is a survey on smoking and is to be completed by casual smokers, social smokers, regular/heavy smokers, or anyone who has ever smoked a cigarette; even if you do not currently smoke. Please do not complete this survey if you have never smoked/tried any cigarettes in your lifetime.

You have to be at least 18 years of age or older and if you do choose to participate please reply anonymously. You can either reply in a response to this post(copy and paste the survey into a response) or you can e-mail me at

Thank you in advance for your help!

attn lj users: i realize you cannot physically check the answers to the survey; therefore either delete what does not apply to you, X off what does, or capitilize your answer.
Gender: _X_Male ___Female
Gender: ___MALE ___Female
Gender: ___Male

William Paterson University
Factors Which Influence a Persons Decision To Start and Continue to Smoke.
Professor Thiel
CMHL351, Health Research

This survey explores factors that influence a person’s decision to start and/or continue to smoke. It is being conducted to fulfill the requirements of the above named course. Your participation is voluntary and you may stop completing the survey at any time. You do not have to answer any question(s) you choose not to answer. The survey is anonymous. Do not write your name on this document. The results will not be reported in a way that will reveal individual participants. If you do not want to complete this survey you may return uncompleted as instructed for completed documents or you may keep it. If you do choose to participate, please return this document to me when you are finished completing it.

This survey is to be completed by casual smokers, social smokers, regular/heavy smokers, or anyone who has ever smoked a cigarette; even if you do not currently smoke. Please do not complete this survey if you have never smoked/tried any cigarettes in your lifetime.

This is my classification of smoking behaviors so you are conscious as to where you fit in:
Non-smoker** (although you have tried cigarettes before)
Casual smoker (smoke with or without peers present but not regularly)
Social smoker (smoke only amongst peers)
Regular/heavy smoker (smoke often)
**non-smokers: answer all that apply

1. Gender: ___Male ___Female

2. Age: ___

3. Are you aware of the health risks that are related to smoking? ___yes ___no

4. At this point in time are you concerned about the future health risks you might have due to your current smoking behaviors?


5. Has Tobacco use influenced your health or physical condition now? ___yes ___no

6. If you answered yes to questions 4 or 5, why do you still continue to smoke?


7. At what age did you smoke your first cigarette? ___10-15 ___16-20 ___21-25 ___26+

8. What factors influenced you to smoke for the first time? (check all that apply):
___peer pressure
___easy access to cigarettes
___you have a parent that smokes
___all of your friends smoked
___you thought it was “cool”
___at that time you weren’t aware of the health risks
___it was “something to do”

9. After smoking your first cigarette did you:
___never smoke again
___start smoking casually
___smoke socially
___become a regular smoker ___other

10. Have your smoking behaviors changed since then? ___yes ___no

11. If yes, what has changed:

___was a non-smoker, then smoked casually
___was a non-smoker, then smoked socially
___was a non-smoker, then smoked casually/socially
___smoked socially, then smoked casually
___smoked socially, then became a regular smoker
___smoked casually/socially, then became a regular smoker
___smoked casually/socially/regularly, then became a non-smoker

12. What are your current smoking habits?
___casual smoker
___social smoker
___regular/heavy smoker

13. If you currently still smoke, what factors influenced you to continue? (check all that apply):
___liked the way cigarettes made you feel
___liked the taste of cigarettes
___did not care about the health risks
___did not think you would get addicted
___did not want to feel left out b/c all your friends smoked
___enjoyed smoking while drinking
___gave you “something to do”
___helped alleviate stress
___did not care about the cost
___became addicted

14. If you currently still smoke do you: (check all that apply)
___enjoy smoking
___want to quit but are addicted
___not want to quit, but are addicted
___not want to quit, and aren’t addicted

15. Cigarettes have recently risen in price, do you still purchase cigarettes as regularly as you did when the price was lower?

16. If you currently still smoke, are you going to continue to purchase cigarettes regularly even if the price continues to rise?
___not sure

17. Does the ongoing inflation of the cost of cigarettes deter you from continuing to smoke on a regular basis?
___yes, because the price keeps rising i do not smoke as often because i do not purchase cigarettes as regularly.
___no, no matter how high the price rises i will keep purchasing cigarettes and smoking as regularly as i do now.
___not sure

*Thank You For Your Time*
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