fic - jensen/jared - angles with enemies

Mar 03, 2010 08:49

Title: Angels With Enemies

Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Jensen/Danneel

Word Count: 754

Summary: Jensen dances with two people on his wedding day: the one he marries, and the one he should have.

Jensen dances with two people on his wedding day: the one he married, and the one he should have.

It happens like this: at most weddings, you dance with the entire building, all three hundred of your closest friends. But this doesn't happen because one, Jensen's a shitty dancer and two, Jensen's closest friends - aside from Jared - are Tom and Mike (shitty dancers).

It's a nice reception, though. It's in a park that Jared picked out, dusk just beginning to set. The dim is combated with softly glowing torches, and Chris and Steve sit on a little raised platform, gently strumming away at their guitars, Chris crooning into a mike vocals that surround and intertwine with the night. It's not too hot, not too cold, it's just perfect. Everything about it is perfect.

He dances with Daneel first, obviously. She's stunning; she always is, though, even at four a.m. with last night's makeup under her eyes and her rusty hair in curled piles on top of her head. He fell in love with her like that. Tonight she's dressed up, wearing a dress that seems to be made of flowing water instead of fabric, and her hair cascades down her back in loose ringlets.

They take their place on the dance floor, and she smiles big and bright at him, lights up the night better than the torches. But that's why he got with Daneel in the first place; because she's insatiable, perpetually thrilled with life, funny, gorgeous. She's just...

He places his hand on her lower back and she pulls him closer, too close for public but she just laughs huskily into his ear and he thinks maybe he can deal.

Jensen doesn't dance again until Jared meets him over at the bar. Jensen's on his third scotch, but Jared doesn't have to count the glasses. He just grins widely, and "Hey Jensen, lookin' a little wobbly there."

Jensen just smiles back, more openly than he usually does. Jensen has a special smile for Jared, a huge brilliant, child-like one. He doesn't do it on purpose; Jared just has that effect on him. He's like a huge Labrador retriever, and you can give out perfect, tiny press smiles to things that love you that much, no questions asked.

"It's my party, I'll cry if I want to," Jensen slurs, and that doesn't make total sense, but Jared laughs anyway, so Jensen does, too.

"Dance with me," Jared says quickly when the song chances. Jensen cocks his head - it's The Safety Dance- the eighties at their best (worst), and it's obvious that this being included in the play list was a horrible, horrible Jared/Dani/Sandy collaboration.

Jensen shakes his head vigorously, regrets it when the world instantly swims. "No," he says groggily. Jensen needs new friends.

And yeah, he's pretty clear, but Jared has rarely in all the years Jensen's known him really taken Jensen's actual preference into consideration, so before he knows it he's being swept up by big arms, being pulled towards the dance floor. Jared sings the song the whole way there, but by the time they get there the song's changed to something slower - Aerosmith, maybe? Jensen starts to make fun of it, but Jared just pulls him in like this was the plan all along, and if that doesn't shut Jensen up nothing will.

"Jared," Jensen says empathetically into Jared's shoulder after a few moments, his drunken Texas slur making the name sound more like J'red. "...Thanks. You did all this. You are the best... best man like, ever."

Jared claps him on the back, smiling a little wistfully. His voice is soft when he mutters, "You're my best man too, Jen." Jensen can feel Jared's slips flutter against his throat.

Jensen smiles again, though he's been smiling through the whole exchange so he's not really sure how that's possible, but he lets it slide. Besides, this is like the best news ever. "At your wedding, Jay?" he says proudly.

Jared's face turns sour for a quick second, so fast that Jensen's not even sure he actually saw it. All Jared's features turn down, turn icy and black, and then in a second they're all smoothed out. His voice doesn't lose the malice, though. Jared shakes his head like he can't actually believe this, and snorts in a way Jensen knows means he's really pissed.

"Always, Jensen." He spits out, and pushes away from Jensen, leaving him standing alone on the floor.

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