Oct 31, 2008 06:35
Yeah, I was real quiet in October. I had a LOT to do!
Summing up: Reading and finding a winner for Toasted Cheese's Three Cheers and Tiger for fall. After that, reading monthly submissions for the next issue of TC's literary journal. Both accomplished! I think that's a new record for me. Plus I liked a lot of the stories. We have some great stuff to read coming up!
At the beginning of October, my dog had puppies which is both a horrible experience and a good one. Horrible because she is NOT a mother kind of dog and she's really struggling with the pups. She carried six to term, but only 2 were born alive. She's kind of a neat dog and I think she didn't want to make a mess on the floor so many of them were kind of 'stuck' inside her and she wouldn't let them go. It was a real tragedy. Now that the puppies are about 4 weeks old, she's still not a good mother type. She snarls at them when they try to eat out of her bowl, she doesn't lay there with them so they can nurse for very long...it's kind of a trial. On the other hand, she's extremely fastidious and will eat/lick up any kind of feces mess they make. Ew. But...clean. Anyhow, I don't think she's cut out for any more puppies.
I also had work, naturally, and with the economy being what it is, there's been some money issues around here. My job seems good and secure for now, but last Friday I had to lay off 4 people from one department. There's also not much material in the warehouse and everyone is nervous about that. DH is the one whose had the most changes and not for the better. He was working 3 - 12 hour days one week, 4 - 12 hour days the next. This gave him overtime and was a bizarre schedule. They put him on 5 - 8 hour days instead and his money just dropped by like $100. That's a lot for the likes of us. Well, last week, they took him down to 4 days a week. So now we're out another whole day's pay worth. It's not looking pretty. I'm sure we'll manage, but we're going to have to give up some of the things we like. (Cable springs to mind. Wah!)
But October is through at midnight tonight and it's time to look to November! NaNoWriMo! Yeah, going to attempt to participate again. Also planning on NaBloPoMo, the once a day blog challenge. Going to simply post excerpts.
I've been thinking what to write and haven't come up with anything solid particularly. What I did think up is to get something off my plate and just edit the Amazon archives. One archive each day until those things are whittled down. I have SO MUCH to do there and it just seems impossible. Doing one archive a day would whittle it down quite a bit, honestly. It would also be fairly easy to work on from work. I put the archives up at a site called "DropBox", which is free file storage online.
At the same time, I keep thinking I want to actually do the word count. Editing is really hard, but what's hardest would be trying to count how many words I wrote. Especially when you consider the archives contain a lot of dross I have to edit OUT to begin with. So I'm still torn on what to do. I may not even know until it's midnight. I keep thinking 'write fresh', but write what? And then I come back to 'edit and be done with it' and the relief it would bring me comforts me. Well, we'll see.
The BloMo will probably be excerpts from whatever I finally chose to do. Might be sprinkled with puppy news, baby news, child news, etc. Oh...I should mention that my elder son now has (at least) TWO girlfriends. At the same time. No, let me clear....AT THE SAME TIME. Like all of them together in THAT sense. Yeah. it's a little boggling. He appears to be everyone's hero. Whatever. Long as he finally gets a job, I don't care. I need his money.
Well, I will see you tomorrow then.