Every year I find a four-leaf clover, if not more. It never fails, even when my "special place" has been lawn-mowed, walked-on and generally abused (like this year), I still find them. I feel very a-tune with the fae-folk.
as part of a project, i've been compliling info about the four-leaf clover. For any who are interested:
Four leaf clovers are a universally accepted symbol of good luck.
Some modern-day spiritualists claim that a four-leaf clover releases energy and helps one's judgment.
An old proverb states that “Many an opportunity is lost because a person is out looking for four-leaf clovers.” To look for a four leaf clover is to spend time focusing on the small and insignificant, the trodden upon and the things that we look over.
In Legend:
Christian legend has it that Eve carried four leaf clovers from the Garden of Eden. Clovers also occupied a position in the superstition of early cultures.
From Celtic legends, those who created the 4-leaf clover are Gods of the four elements of nature. The Celt also considered the four-leaf clover as a charm against evil spirits.
Druids held the 4 leaf clover in high esteem and considered them a sign of luck. They also believed that it could help in spotting witches or other demons.
As a Charm:
A four-leaf clover is said to provide protection against the fae, and to be able to break fairy spells, and allow one to see through faerie glamour.
Wearing a four-leaf clover in your hat supposedly grants you the power to see invisible fairies, as does anointing yourself with an ointment made from four-leaf clover, or carrying a charm made of seven grains of wheat placed on a four-leaf clover.
Clover protects human beings and animals from evil spells, and brings good luck to those carry one with them.
The mystique of the four leaf clover continues today, since finding a real
four leaf clover is still a rare occurrence and omen of good luck.