DYW Letter!

Nov 20, 2010 15:13

Hello there, writer! First of all, just let me say that this is my first ever Yuletide, so I am a complete and total newbie who's pretty much flying into this by the seat of her pants! So please don't feel any pressure whatsoever. :) And on that note, I apologize for being a little late in putting this letter up and thus not including a direct link to it with my request. Like I said: newbie. ;)

Here's a little bit of info on my general fic preferences: I am a huge fan of both het and gen; slash and femslash are really not my thing. I enjoy a fairly wide variety of genres--drama, fluff, angst, romance, crack, action/adventure, etc. I do have an unabashed fondness for warm and fuzzy feel-good fics, but I by no means limit myself to them, so if you usually write gut-wrenching angst, feel free to go for it! Smut is awesome if you feel like writing it, but it's by no means a must-have. As far as squicks go, essentially my only major one is non-con.

And now for a few fandom-specifics...

Mass Effect - I'm actually rather new to shipping Tali/Kal'Reegar and haven't read much fic for the pairing, which was why I decided to select those characters for my request--along with FemShep, just because I'm a big FemShep fan and would love to see her thoughts on her buddy Tali hooking up with another space marine. However, I know some people prefer to write stories focusing on the squadmates and other supporting characters rather than Shepard, so if you're one of those, it's fine if she doesn't have a huge role. And of course, Tali/Kal friendship, pre-ship, or whatever else you would like is fine as well! As for appearances by other characters, I'm not a huge fan of Jack, Grunt, Joker, or Zaeed, but I'm fond of all the rest of them, so ensemble fic would also be great!

Gladiator - If you've poked around my LJ at all, you might have noticed that I'm not a big fan of incest fic, so you might also be wondering why on earth I would request a fic about two characters who actually have canon incestuous vibes. Basically, my main request for this potential fic would be that any incestuous mentions aren't portrayed in a hot or glamorous way. However, I would love a fic that explores the more dark, angsty, screwed-up elements of the relationship. That said, please don't feel obligated to write a fic focusing on the relationship at all. I would be just as happy with a crack!fic about Commodus tearing his hair out while trying to deal with Rome's everyday problems, or whatever else you like. :)

Robot Unicorn Attack - I honestly couldn't even believe it when I saw that this was nominated for Yuletide, because I've been irrationally craving fic for it ever since I first got hooked on the game! Any sort of explanation you have for the setting and the characters (if you can even call them that, LOL) would be an awesome read. I imagine that most fic written about this fandom would lean toward the cracky or humorous side, which I would love, but if you have a non-cracky idea I would love that, too!

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - There wasn't any way to specify Exile gender on the sign-up form, but I LOVE female Exile. Basically, you could write anything about female Exile and I would be happy. Since I also have a fondness for Bao-Dur, I would love to see something about the two of them set pre-game, when they were fighting in the war together. FemExile/Bao-Dur shippy fic would be fine, but if that's not your thing, a gen fic would be lovely as well.

I think that's about it! I hope this was helpful and not too long-winded. :p Have a happy Yuletide, and thank you very much in advance for whatever you end up choosing!

yuletide 2010

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