(no subject)

Jun 26, 2007 18:31

Another meme stolen from emily_reich! This one is a ship-related meme, and I love ships almost as much as I love fandom. (Although, technically, ships are a part of fandom...but anyway.) Includes spoilers for the most recent seasons of Stargate Atlantis, Heroes, and CSI.

Six Ships I Love
01. Sheppard/Weir, Stargate Atlantis
02. Logan/Rogue, X-Men movieverse
03. Ronon/Teyla, Stargate Atlantis
04. Sara/Grissom, CSI
05. Adama/Roslin, Battlestar Galactica
06. Desmond/Penny, Lost

Three Ships I Liked, But Don't Anymore
07. Peter/Claire, Heroes
08. Dee/Billy, Battlestar Galactica
09. Charlie/Claire, Lost

Three Ships I Don't Like
10. Sheppard/Teyla, Stargate Atlantis
11. Jack/Kate/Sawyer, Lost
12. Logan/Jean, X-Men movieverse

Two Ships I'm Curious About
13. Jayne/River, Firefly
14. Danny/Lindsay, CSI: NY

01. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Jack/Kate/Sawyer)
I suppose I'm cheating by putting down the whole triangle instead of Jack/Kate and Kate/Sawyer separately, but the whole thing really is one big mess. For starters, I hate it because I hate Jack and Kate. (I'm not a huge fan of Saywer either, but he's okay.) I think it's doubtful that you're going to like a ship when you loathe the characters involved. And secondly, the writers are obsessed with the love triangle, and it drives me insane. There are so many characters on Lost--most of them more interesting than Jack, Kate and Sawyer, at least in my opinion--and tons of plotlines and questions that they could focus on, yet what gets astronomical amounts of screentime? The love triangle of angst and drama and gratuitous Kate!weeping. I honestly wouldn't mind it quite so much if they didn't shove it in our faces all the time.

02. Does anyone on your flist ship #13? (Jayne/River)
Hmm, not that I know of.

03. What would your ideal scenario be for #3? (Ronon/Teyla)
Well, they're already practically married, so...they just need a sweet little ceremony to make it official. Some Athosian priest or somebody could officiate. Then they would be adorable all the time, and have lots of hot stick fights, and in time there would be lots of little Teylas and Ronons (with mini dreds) running around Atlantis. And McKay and Sheppard would get roped into babysitting, which would be hilarious.

04. What is your favorite episode for #1? (Sheppard/Weir)
Oh brother, how to choose? There are a ton of great ones, but I think it has to come down to a tie between "The Eye" and "The Real World." "The Eye" was the episode that first got me started shipping them, what with protective!Shep going all crazy and bloodthirsty when he thought Kolya had killed Lizzie. And "The Real World" was fantastic because Sheppard was Elizabeth's guide back to the real world, so to speak. And there was lots of concerned!Shep at Lizzie's bedside, and of course the arm-grabbing scene of squee.

05. How long have you been following #6? (Desmond/Penny)
Hmmm...since "Live Together, Die Alone," I guess. That was the episode where we first found out who Penny really was, if I recall correctly. There was just no way for me to not ship them after that. Their love is so tragic and adorable and wonderful.

06. What made you stop liking #8? (Dee/Billy)
Well, Billy died. That would tend to put a damper on a relationship. But things started to go south even before that, since Dee is an evil cheating *insert derogatory term of your choice here*

07. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Logan/Rogue vs. Sara/Grisson)
Well, I love them both, of course. But Logan/Rogue is definitely my drug of choice.

08. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. #10 or #12? (Sheppard/Teyla vs. Logan/Jean)
Logan/Jean, in a heartbeat. I know they had to put that in the movies, since I guess it's been in the comics for years, but it was so badly executed it was cringeworthy. Besides, Sheppard/Teyla is practically non-existent in canon anyway. ;)

09. What interests you about #14? (Danny/Lindsay)
Well, Danny was one of the main reasons I actually started watching the show in the first place, so naturally I like him. I wouldn't say I love Lindsay, but she does seem cute. I'm not entirely sold on their relationship--it seems maybe a little too rushed, or a little too...something. But I think it has potential.

10. When did you stop liking #7? (Peter/Claire)
When I found out Peter was Claire's uncle. That's a little misleading, actually--I haven't stopped liking the pairing, I've just stopped shipping it. I definitely still think it's a cute pairing, and heck, if they weren't related, I'd be shipping them all over the place. I just can't and won't ship incest. Ick. It's really unfortunate that they're related, because Milo Ventimiglia and Hayden Panettiere have mad chemistry despite the difference in their ages.

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Charlie/Claire)
Definitely not. I still love Lost bucketloads. And really, I still think Charlie/Claire is a sweet pairing, I'm just not as into it as I once was.

12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Adama/Roslin)
Uh...good question. I can't think of one. I generally don't have songs that I associate with particular ships, although I think "Shaping Spaces" by Kevin Max is a good one for Sheppard/Weir.

13. Have #2 kissed yet? (Logan/Rogue)
Only in fanfic, sadly.

14. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Sara/Grissom)
I sure hope so. But considering that last season ended with Sara kidnapped by a maniacal killer and trapped under an overturned car in the middle of nowhere, and Grissom and the rest of the team having no idea where she is, that is definitely up in the air right now. However, assuming Sara survives, I don't see why she and Grissom couldn't have a happy ending. They're finally officially together after six seasons of UST--it would make no sense for them to break up now. But it remains to be seen.

15. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (Logan/Rogue or Desmond/Penny)
Augh, that's hard. I adore Logan/Rogue as a ship, but they still have a great friendship even if it never turns romantic, so it's not like they ABSOLUTELY MUST BE TOGETHER to be happy. But with Desmond/Penny, I can just see both of them pining away until they're finally together again. And if they're never reunited, that would be incredibly sad. So...I dunno. I feel like I should say Desmond/Penny, but I love Logan/Rogue so much. Too hard of a question!

16. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Sheppard/Teyla)
Sheppard marries Weir and Teyla marries Ronon, of course. But Shep and Teyla still remain friends and teammates, as it should be.

17. Which of these ships do you love the most?
Logan/Rogue and Sheppard/Weir are definitely my two main favorites.

18. Which do you dislike the most?
I guess that would be a tie between Logan/Jean and the Jack/Kate/Sawyer debacle. They both make me see red.

desmond, firefly, battlestar galactica, csi, lost, heroes, adama/roslin, logan/rogue, sheppard/weir, x-men, csi: ny, atlantis

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