2. Mohinder figured out that Sylar was Sylar! I wondered how long it could possibly take for him to put two and two together. "My name is Mohinder Suresh. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
3. Simone's really dead! PWN! This is one case in which pointless character death actually rocks instead of sucking like it normally does.
4. The Mystique knockoff shapeshifting chick needs to die--yesterday. This may have only been her second episode, but she's definitely already earned membership in the Too Annoying To Live Association.
5. The Haitian owns Claire. And she thought she was being so clever. Heh. Pwned, cheerleader.
8. BLOOD! Oh Heroes, how I love thee for not being too wussy to actually show blood when someone is bleeding/dying/having their head sawed off/dead.
9. Well, at least Peter can stop pushing that overgrown hair out of his face now.
Today I had my last mythology, anthropology, and philosophy classes. Thank God. I have one more archaeology class tomorrow, and then it's all over but the finals. And after that comes the gloriousness of spring break.
Speaking of spring break, am I the only college student in America who's not a) going to Florida/Mexico/Belize/some other warm exotic place for spring break, or b) planning to spend the entirety of spring break wearing a bikini and stumbling around in a drunken stupor? Because to hear OSU talk, that's all anyone ever does during spring break. In today's issue of U Weekly (a newspaper-type thing that covers "The Ohio State University community"), three different articles included the following blurbs:
A beach, a barely-there bikini, and a Jager Bomb (or ten). For most students, this is a no-fail recipe for a successful Spring Break.
Ohio State students have once again managed to tough out another cold, dreary and depressing winter quarter and are now just days away from the bikini-clad, binge-drinking relief of spring break.
When most people imagine the perfect Spring Break, they think of sandy beaches, drinking binges, and bikinis...
Seriously? Is that seriously all that most students do over spring break? Lie around half-naked and guzzle alcohol until they throw up and/or pass out? Because if that's their idea of a good time, then I'm glad I'm not included in "most students" or "most people." My spring break plans include the following:
- Playing tons of Sims
- Writing fic (subject to whether or not inspiration cooperates)
- Getting lots of sleep
- Watching tons of TV/movies
- Whatever the heck else I want to do
I guess that's pretty boring by normal OSU student standards, but oh well. Not that I wouldn't mind spending spring break in someplace a little warmer than Ohio, but it just irritates me when people think bikinis and binge-drinking are the be all and end all of life. I certainly have no intention of starting spring quarter with a gigantic hangover.