I should be studying for my Greek lit quiz tomorrow, but instead I'm going to rant make some very calm and rational comments about tonight's Lost season three premiere while it's still fresh in my mind. Even though I still don't know what happened at the end thanks to the stupid satellite spazz.
1. WHY WAS THERE NO DESMOND IN THIS EPISODE? For that matter, why was there no one that I give a FLYING FIG about in this episode? Well, except for Henry Gale. *likes him, even if he is creepy like whoa* But even he was only in the episode for like two minutes.
2. WHEN ARE THE WRITERS GOING TO GET OVER THEIR RIDICULOUSLY OBSESSIVE LOVE AFFAIR WITH JACK AND KATE, THE TWO MOST BORING AND LEAST LIKEABLE CHARACTERS ON THE ISLAND (IMO)?! Seriously, there have been enough Jack flashback episodes to choke a freaking horse. Same with Kate, although not quite as bad. And she's getting another flashback ep in a few weeks too. There are other characters worthy of screentime too, Lost writers!
3. The shot at the beginning of the plane breaking in half in mid-air? MADE OF AWESOME. That was probably my favorite thing in the episode.
4. The new Other lady who has an obvious crush on Jack (and who I'm guessing is the new Jack love interest)? SO ANNOYING, DIE PLZ. She had this fluttery eyelash thing that made me want to unscrew my head and dump out my brain. Same goes for her voice.
5. The part when the Other lady opened the door to give Jack food and he made a run for it? MOST PREDICTIBLE THING IN THE WORLD. I totally called it way before it happened.
6. Jack is a complete NUTJOB. How is it possible that someone so mentally and emotionally unstable is a doctor?! If I were one of his patients, I would fear for my life.
7. Kate = ZZZZZZZ. Not to mention a gigantic Sue. Evangeline Lilly cannot act. And why is it that she has a shower scene and wears a sluttastic dress, but Jack and Sawyer stay fully clothed? Typical pig-headed male writers catering to a like-minded (and gendered) audience.
8. At the beginning, I was all like ZOMG ETHAN AND GOODWIN ARE IN THIS EPISODE! ...And then, nothing. They each had one tiny scene.
9. What was up with Sawyer being all soft and gooey toward Kate? Obviously an attempt by the writers to further their beloved love triangle, but talk about a character butchering. That just struck me as so very, very...unSawyerish.
Contrary to how it may appear, I actually didn't hate this episode. After such a long break, any Lost is good Lost. But let's just say I had way higher expectations for the season three premiere than being treated to an hour-long Jack-fest with not even a MENTION of what happened at the hatch.