I'm thinking if ditching this LJ account.. Not LJ in general, I just want to start fresh. This account feels old and cluttered, and tbh I'm trying to work my way off the fifiwoofwoof username because I can never give it out without some sort of comment about it.
Had I even started my thesis last time I updated? Well I'm kinda close to finishing. Kinda. Well, not really. I will probably break down in tears next week, but for the moment, as one of the Honours girls said, pulling all-nighters at the moment is really just counter-productive, because you're too tired to write anything decent and then have to spend days fixing your sleeping pattern.
I'm pretty sure I've got my intro, method and results section down pat. My results section is like 600 words fml, but then I had a really simple analysis. I got a weird result but it's not something I can look further into statistically, as far as I know. Having said that, my thesis is too short. That's right, too short. Quite honestly, I'll be lucky if I can make it 10,000 words, let alone 12,000. People always tell me I shouldn't try to write any more if that's all there is to write about, but all this time I wonder if that really is all there is to write about.
On the bright side, one of the mid-year students had a look at my talk notes and my PowerPoint to get a feel of my thesis, and she pointed out that there is a theory which actually explains what I'm looking to predict. It's too late to incorporate that into my intro, but that means I think I have something really meaty to talk about in my discussion. I'm dreading bringing it up with my supervisor though, because I'm sure she'll just say it's not relevant. Or that it's dangerous to my thesis (she keeps getting rid of articles which I think are great on the premise that they undermine my hypotheses. That irks me so much, because imo if it undermines my hypotheses, it's a reason to change my hypotheses, not to ignore the article).
Actually I've got more than a few bones to pick with my supervisor, but I won't go into them. One because bitching about it doesn't change anything, and two because I know I'm pretty darn lucky to have a supervisor who even responds to me and looks at my work when I give it to her.
Anyway, here's me saying goodnight. Hopefully with this app I'll be updating more often.
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