Aug 01, 2004 21:07
well im back!
i am tired as hell tho!
well who ever read my last entry you all know how my little vacation up north was. . . and if you didnt. .
im sad im home because im away from everyone and everything that was up there, BUT im glad to be home and sleep in my own bed.
im so tired! i cant believe how tired you can get from being away from home for so0o long!
hannah. . . seeing i was away from you for so0o long i brought you back something from Maine!its not much but i think it well make you smile!i wanted one for myself but i lost one so0o o0o well!
but im reele tired now so0o i think im off too bed. . . ill right more tomorrow!
~*~home sweet home~*~
. . .at last