The Weekend

Oct 10, 2006 11:27

I love long weekends. Of course, going to work after they end really sucks. On the plus side: four-day work week!

During the course of this long weekend we ripped up the hall floor (8x8 battleship gray tiles) and subfloor (hardboard held down with thousands of staples), bathroom floor (sheet vinyl flooring with hundreds of staples and more than a little rotten subfloor), and first layer of kitchen floor (sheet vinyl flooring held down with hundreds of staples on top of another sheet vinyl floor glued to subfloor). We laid vinyl tile in the entrance way (on top of existing vinyl tile) - I laid the whole pieces and Emily laid the cut pieces. We laid vinyl tile in the kitchen with my dad and I laying the whole piece and Brian laying the cut pieces. We laid vinyl tile in the hallway with Brian, dad, and I laying the whole pieces and cut pieces. Erin killed the mildew on the bathroom subfloor with bleach, and tonight we should be able to lay vinyl tile in there. The house looks so much better now. Emily and mom also started the task of cleaning the hot tub. Tonight we will buy new filters for it and this week we should get it back in operational form.

Of course, we celebrated Thanksgiving as an intimate little family affair on Sunday consisting of me, Erin, Finn, mom, dad, Emily, Sarah, and Brian - the cheif workers on the new house. We had turkey, roast beef, ham, potatoes, corn, jelly salad, and squash with pumpkin pie for dessert. There is a lot I am thankful for this year. Family - my wife and brand new son that I could not love more, and my parents, brother, and sisters who have continued to support me through all the firsts and changes over hte last year and throughout my life. We were able to get a new car, which is so much safer feeling and nicer to drive for more than 15 minutes in. We were able to get a new house with minimal trouble and wait, and our growing family will be comfortable in it for years to come. For everyone who has helped in moving, renovating, and supporting us: I am thankful.

Now once we get our stove (Thursday - right Brick? We will have been without one for almost two weeks. It was supposed to come on moving day) and our ducts cleaned (21st. It will be nice to have heat in the morning) it will really feel like home. Anything past that (except more unpacking and cleaning) are not immediately necessary for us to fully settle in. We are going to have a housewarming sometime soon, and it will be really fun (and sureal) to show people OUR house.
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