so yeah. there is life. i have tried to post 2 different times recently and they always get messed up somehow. hmm mabye it is a good thing they havent gotten posted. its good to get feelings out and mabye its better that you dont see them... or something. so yesterday me and chris and v and my cousin went to just for fun and had fun playing ddr. i love both of them so much. much fun is always had with those two. i always feel so at home. so yeah. i sweat drama right now. it follows me. and i need to be getting off. i didnt have to work today cause it rained... yay. so i have a ton of crazy emotion. and i just dont understand what is going on!!! yay band tomorrow. grr. all week plus work. ahh. sucks. please. all i want is not to need you now. but she means so much to me. and i just dont know. time for more dash and oreos. i love dashboard confessional. they save my mind. or something. well night.
"Turpentine Chaser"
This paint has been tasting of lead
& their chips will fall as they may,
but it's not just my finish that is peeling,
& it is not alone fleeing these walls.
Well sooner of later this cold
it's gonna break
so our hands will be warm again,
but all I want is not to need you now.
And sooner or later this code
it's gonna break
& our words will be heard again,
but all I want are vows of silence now.
This turpentine chaser's got kick
& the rag that it's soaked in is rich.
The fumes aide the pace of my cleaning
& as soon as I'm done I am gone.
The frightening facts
we've been facing our backs
for so long now
are begging for eyes
to bear witness to lies
& indifference.
Now we're saying aloud
the things we've declared in our silence.
The new coats of paint will not reaquaint
broken hearts to broken homes.