Sep 01, 2005 12:29
So I haven't posted in forever because I use www.xanga/fif_forever as my journal. I miss being a part of C-Shop and being a part of everyones lives and hanging out and forming tons of inside jokes. I feel like I moved on into a different realm though. I see all the new interns here and I think "Oh gosh! was I like that when I first got here?" My eyes have been opened to so many of Satan's lies, my spirit is sensative and broken, my pride is constantly being killed, I'm constantly learning, growing, sacrificing and obeying the Lord...setting myself apart from normal "Christianity"... giving up the things of this world like TV, video games, pointless conversations and joking, movies, hobies, and much more just for the sake of the gospel and for the sake of spending more time and focus on God... I feel that people judge me as a "Super Christian" who thinks he is better than everyone else. But I think What I do should be normal and that if people were more passionate about prayer, and about keeping God constantly on your mind...then the church would be what it should be. The church is stagnant and dieing in America. We need servants who do radical things to be radical for God, preaching constantly, condemming peoples sin, living beyond reproach and above the standard. Got to get back to work training callers for Battle Cry.
CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!