Oct 13, 2008 23:12

This list is more for myself so that I have it sorta kinda published somewhere so I dont lose it. I write lists when i have stuff to do

Abnormal Psych Test Tuesday @ 11
Return movie to Redbox at Shaws
Find name of Biology guy and email him about a meeting
Memorize lines for scene with Ryan
Scene due Thursday
Memorize lines/lyrics for The Frogs
Work on Midterm for ITech
Midterm for ITech due Wednesday
Test for BioPsych Wednesday
Re-work Four Year plan
Write out Individualized Major/Form
Meet with Academic Advisor
Declare Major/Form
... o yeah find a new job AGAIN

Okay.... now in order

1) Study Abnormal Psych    (Tonight)
2) Work on ITech Midterm   (Tonight)
3) Take Test   (Tuesday)
4) Return Movie   (Tuesday)
5) Work on ITech Midterm   (Tuesday)
6) Work on lines for scene with Ryan   (Tuesday)
7) Practice Run for Scene   (Tuesday)
8) Find Name of/Contact Bio-guy   (Tuesday)
9) STUDY BIOPSYCH   (Tuesday)
10) Finish ITech Midterm   (Tuesday)
12) ITech Midterm   (Wednesday)
13) Biopscyh Test   (Wedensday)
14) Memorize Lines for scene with Ryan   (Wednesday)
15) Do Scene Report   (Wednesday)
16) Practice Lines for Scene with Ryan  (Wednesday)
17) Do Scene with Ryan   (Thursday)
18) Work on Lines/Lyrics for Frogs   (Tursday)
19) Work on Four Year Plan/Forms   (Friday)
20) Die   (Saturday)
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