You’ve been there for me since the day that I met you but I never fully appreciated the magnitude of your friendship until midway through freshmen year of college. I can’t count the number of times I’ve cried to you, and that means more to me than you may ever know. I hope to never have to imagine my life without you in it.
You are the most important person in my life. You have been there for me in times when it would’ve been easier to run and we’ve stuck it out through far more than our share of the rocky points. I love you for who I have become while I’ve been with you. I know that looking back, we question so many of our actions - but I don’t regret where those decisions got us and I wouldn’t go back and change any of them knowing what we have now.
We became friends through an interesting scenario - one (or someone) that we’d probably rather forget. We’ve had our ups, our downs, our in betweens. But we’ve also had our memories, that - while childish - I wouldn’t trade for anything else in the world. You were the first person I ever truly opened up to and shared so much with and I’d like to believe we’ve had our unforgettable moments….i love knowing I can call you any day, any hour (even though during my last crisis…you ignored me) My life is better with you in it and I hope I never lose that - that I never lose you.
You were my first childish love, although I didn’t think of that way until much later when I was able to overcome the pain of it ending. More than anything, you taught me how to cope with life, how to move on, and forced me to grow up. In doing so, I like to believe that you made me a better person and for that, I respect you.
You are an unlikely candidate for this, but you are the one and only person I can truly vent to about him….about her…and get an honest reaction and an honest assessment. I appreciate that more than you can imagine and I’m happy that I’ve gotten to know you.
You are my best friend. I call you with every piece of news, every bit of gossip, and every possible question I can think of. You have shown me how to live and taught me the most important lessons in life - sometimes without ever realizing you were doing so. Even though I’m 20 now, you still baby me sometimes - and every now and then, I really need that. For all the ways you’ve helped me grow…I’d like to say I love you so.
Although I met you 2 years ago, we only recently became close. No one seems to get me on the same level as you - but maybe because we’re both hopeless…well…you know. I love that you are always wiling to listen to my stupid stories with a twinkle in your eye that tells me you’re really listening - no matter how dumb it is and I’m looking forward to the puppy ;)
You are the most interesting friendship I’ve ever had, and I mean nothing negative by that because you are also one of the best friends I’ve ever had. Constant conversation and company were never necessary and yet, when I needed you I always knew you would be there. I love that you are here with me now and although I told you I regretted it once - you have to know that it was a lie.
For years, I hated you. And just when I began to respect and trust you again, you let me down. You have however shown me that people aren’t supposed to be perfect and that we all take our own paths to get to where we go in life. I don’t admire your actions nor do I feel sorrow for your consequences, but I love you for our memories together and I always will. Only time can repair the damage our words caused, but I have faith that we’ll find the time.
With you, it was always about brutal honesty…sometimes brutal lies. Now it is my turn to be honest. I hate you for the things you said and for the things you did. I hate you for the pain and insecurities I still feel. I am thankful for the way it helped me grow but aside from my personal growth - I hate everything about you. While I hope that changes, and will continue to try, I have a feeling it never will.
You’ve made my life far more interesting and my transfer to this school so much easier. You taught me how to drink tequila and you showed me why we have cell phones (or maybe why we should turn them off at night… :) More than anything though, you’ve given me someone to turn to here, someone to go to, to cuddle with, to talk to, and to eat junk food with. You are my best friend here and I can’t imagine a time in my life or a day here at school without you.
There was a time when I respected you and tried hard, but it is clear to me now that you will never approve of me and I finally have reached a new level of apathy about the whole thing. I like you for one reason and one reason only. I can’t try anymore and I won’t try anymore. I give up, but I will never give in.
You showed me everything I hate about boys, about relationships, and about drama. However, though the experience you also showed me how deeply a person can care and how much they can go through for someone they care about. I know you tried hard (sometimes) and I know you meant well and because of all those years back and forth, I still think about you often even though I’m sure I’m long gone in your memory. I appreciate the experience for what it was but I’m happy it’s part of my past.
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