Dec 07, 2003 16:08
woah, i'm writing in LJ..what's going on?!
Given the misunderstandings based on my previous update, I figured December was a good time to update everyone on my life! haha. First of all, I am very happy here :) I love school and I love Vanderbilt. My last entry where I filled in the blanks...I was having a really bad day and was just...missing my past, so I seemed really unhappy I guess. Truthfully though, things are great. Classes are hard...and I withdrew from my first college class this semster (because my teacher was a complete ass) Hmm, what all has happened... I think everyone knows about the surgery already, so that's old old old news. Nikhil and I are still together and things are great (especially comparitively speaking). Umm, I joined a sorority...yes, I know. what the hell, right? Yea, i suprised myself too. I didn't really mean to...well, let me rephrase. I didn't intend to or really try to, but I met a lot of girls here who I liked, and while hanging out with them, I ended up hanging out with a lot of other girls in their sorority, and I realized that I really liked them and it seemed fun. I guess a big part of it was that transfering to a school isn't easy... it's hard to make that core group of friends when you aren't here freshmen year I think. I have my core group...but it's all people that I met through Nikhil, so this gives me a chance to make my own friends and have a seperate life. It's not at all how I thought it would be, I was the biggest anti-sorority person for all of high school and last year, which is why me being in one is so weird...but it's not all about superficial prissy girls like I thought it was, at least not mine. You all know me, and we all know I don't get along with the girly girls very obviously if I'm friends with them, they are cool :) So anyway, that's the most shocking news to everyone I guess, but I mean, whatever. Make fun of me all you want (nikhil does) So hum, what else is there? I'll be home the 18th I think, but I'm not sure yet where I'll be... I hope to not go to my parents house becuase I realized over Thanksgiving that it totally sucks! So, I'll see you all then! Hope you enjoyed my ramble... the point really was to say that I'm very happy despite the seemingly unhappiness in my other entry :) I miss you all and can't way to see you! Oh yea...and p.s. I had an Awesome time in Athens! (minus the running out of gas part...which is a story I will save for later)