Sep 08, 2003 22:45
This is not a "sympathy plea" ...this is just for those ppl who are asking what don't think I am trying to be a big baby about this please.
SOOOOOOOO here is the rundown...
Last Monday night, I started feeling sick. I couldn't keep down any of my food, I felt like I was bullemic :(
It went on all week...I couldn't eat anything, I had no appetite, and when I tried to force myself to eat, I threw it up. I had trouble sleeping and my stomach hurt really badly. Finally, on Friday, I was over at Nikhil's making and eating tacos. About 5 minutes after finishing my 2nd taco, I ran to the bathroom and threw up...again. Then I started to cry because my stomach was hurting so bad. I couldn't stand, I couldn't sit, I couldn't do anything. It was intense pain and all the guys started demanding that I go to the doctor. I didn't want to go though because I hate the doctors and I REALLY hate ERs. But finally, Jim convinced me to go, so I agreed and Jim and Nikhil took me to the Emergency Room.
Of course, we sat there for ever before they called me back. Once I got back to my own room, it just turned into hours upon hours. The doctors came in and took blood, then they did a CAT scan. After a while, they said the CAT scan came back positive and said I needed to have my appendix removed. Then they called another doctor to come look at it who said it wasn't as clear and that I would need another one. So I waited some more till t hey were ready for me, and finally went in and did antoher one. I think it was probably close to 11:00 on Saturday morning that they decided to operate. We got to the ER around 9:00 the previous night. Yuck. Poor Nikhil and Jim were dying to keep awake. I love them so much! They are both so great. So are the other guys from Mayfield 5 who came to see me in the ER and then again everyday that I was in recovery. But anyway...They decided to operate, so I went in to surgery around 12:30 on Saturday afternoon and I came out around 2:30 Nikhil tells me. Him and Jim stayed in the waiting room the entire time, and finally went home only after I was out and they knew I was ok. The bad part was that the appendix wasn't even the problem...and worse still is that they still dont' know what the actual problem was. My pain did not go away and neither did inability to eat. I was on IVs all weekend to try to make up for all the lost nutrients and dehydration, and they tried various medicines.
Anyway, to make this incredibly long story short..I was in the hospital all weekend, and today they asked me if i wanted to go home or stay, and I chose to go home. They reccommended that I stay since I still couldn't eat, but I was tired of being there and I woudl rather be here in my room. So now, I am home again. It's strange how no one from home knew about it. I mean, there is no reason why they should know about it...because really, how would they? But still, i think it's so weird that all of my friends had no clue. ON the other hand, my friends here are wonderful and made the whole experience better, as much as possible at least. I have beautiful flowers from my roommates and another bouquet from the guys.
Unfortunatly, I am still sick. I still can't keep any food down...I swear, I'm not bullemic! You all know me and how much I love my food :) Hopefully it will go away soon though.
So there it is for all of you that aren't at Vandy. That is the brief version of my weekend.
I miss you all! I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their semester. I cant' wait till we can all hang out again.