Oct 04, 2005 22:42
okay, so apparently, the whole thing with him was a joke. --; and i deleted my convo with him...(stupd, stupid olga) so im putting down my convo with maggie afterwards:
st4rf4nt4sy: he is annoying me
sheepgomeow: Who?
st4rf4nt4sy: he said that he put itching powder on my chair
sheepgomeow: :b
st4rf4nt4sy: and say me sratching it all day
st4rf4nt4sy: honestly
st4rf4nt4sy: you played a trick on me didnt you?
st4rf4nt4sy: and you liked it, didnt you?
sheepgomeow: I didn't like it. x__x
st4rf4nt4sy: two can play that game
sheepgomeow: I'll even give you multiple logs of me stressing about it.
st4rf4nt4sy: two can play that game
sheepgomeow: :/
sheepgomeow: Sorry...
st4rf4nt4sy: mark my words
st4rf4nt4sy: you wont be happy in a week or two
sheepgomeow: :/
sheepgomeow: Dude. I'm seriously sorry.
sheepgomeow: But it was his idea, and I didn't enjoy it.
sheepgomeow: I was worried that something would happen and you would be crushed.
st4rf4nt4sy: crushed?
st4rf4nt4sy: haha
st4rf4nt4sy: no, m not crushed
st4rf4nt4sy: im way too evil to be crushed
sheepgomeow: :/
sheepgomeow: That's also what I was worried about.
st4rf4nt4sy: i enjoy revenge
sheepgomeow: Oh great, even though I didn't really do anything to you?
sheepgomeow: All I did was completely deny telling you this guy's name.
st4rf4nt4sy: that
st4rf4nt4sy: but you also went along with the whole thing
st4rf4nt4sy: so i consider it being inconsiderate
sheepgomeow: Fuck. Just what I need in my stressful-waiting-for-surgery-days. Someone out to get me.
sheepgomeow: Icing on the fucking cake.
sheepgomeow: You want to know what I told him about you? I said that I was having a good time finally having another person to get my girly side out with.
st4rf4nt4sy: maybe ill do it after your surgery
st4rf4nt4sy: ill fell bad if youre too stressed out
sheepgomeow: Doubt that.
sheepgomeow: If you're plotting revenge, I doubt you even care.
st4rf4nt4sy: but expect it when you least expect it
st4rf4nt4sy: oh no, i care, maybe just a little, but i care
st4rf4nt4sy: i can asure you that
sheepgomeow: Why do you hate me all of a sudden?
sheepgomeow: I wasn't messing with you. I didn't want to.
sheepgomeow: I don't see why I should be the one to get all the heat and Si's home free.
st4rf4nt4sy: iunno
sheepgomeow: That's great.
sheepgomeow: You don't know why you're going to make my life miserable?
st4rf4nt4sy: ill have to think a while
st4rf4nt4sy: maybe i can take out my anger on someone else
sheepgomeow: :/
sheepgomeow: I really wish you would calm down about this. I really am sorry...
sheepgomeow: I knew this would happen. That he'd tell you and that you'd take it out on me. And I'd be down one friend.
i feel pretty bad, but im still pissed off about the whole thing