Awe... the alpaca from the Geauga county fair :)
Well hello everyone - the weekend is here!! It seems like it's taken an eternity for this week to pass, which is kind of sad. I don't like to live for the weekends but when you're in my spot, you can't help but look forward to the days when you can leave your house and escape to a little, relatively unknown college in Pennsylvania to get away from your parents! Hooray Thiel...
School is going well. Had two big tests this week with another mid term Monday. Next weekend, after all the midterms are done for me, I'll be in Canada for 2 or 3 nights, depending on how things go, with some of my favorites from Thiel. For their school loves them so, they get a nice fall break. At Lakeland, we don't even get a smile as we hand in our midterms. Just the same tired looks that say "Same time, same place next week..."
Work has sparked some changes though. Our head manager asked us to answer 2 questions about how to deal with a Wal-Mart being built right across the street from our store. After school I stopped back at work & handed him 3 full pages of my thoughts, concerns, and opinions. He looked as happy as a boy who'd just lost his virginity to a supermodel when I told him "Paul, a few lines wasn't enough space so I wrote a few pages..."
That's all I'm writing now. I'm ready to cuddle with my pillow :)