
Jul 27, 2007 11:43

On July 10 I woke up at 4:30 am with pain in my gut. Like my typical self I shook it off as possible gas pain and took some gas X knowing I'd feel better soon. Only the pain continued to get worse. Tom was at work and I was having a typical day of watching Connor. Around 10 am the pain got so bad I asked Tom to come home. I couldn't understand what was wrong with me but didn't want to go to the hospital because I thought for sure they'd just send me home. Tom put Connor down for his mid day nap and about that time I decided that after his nap we'd have to go to the hospital. We left here at 1:10 pm.

We arrived at the hopsital about 1:30 and it was no time at all before I was admitted and in a bed. They took a blood and urine sample right away to check for pregnancy. After awhile a young doctor came in and did and exam pushing on my belly asking if this hurts. Of course it hurt and thats when they decided to give me a little bit of morphine. Now, I'm not stranger to getting high, but I didn't get any of the symptoms they told me I was going to get. I think that sort of shocked the nurse. The doctor had ordered a ultrasound so I was wisked away. The hopsital has lots of mirrors on the ceiling so you don't really feel weird laying on your back while you get wheeled everywhere.

I had a really nice guy doing my ultrasound. For birth control I have an IUD implanted into my uterus. This guy had never seen one before so after he kind of paniced I had to describe what it was and how it looked. Kinda strange I thought but just thought he was an uninformed male. He told me I had a lot of fluid and asked me to pee. I couldn't go so he continued with the ultrasound.

After I got back to my room the doctor and another doctor were there to greet me. Young doctor introduced me to Dr. Erichs the ob/gyn doctor on call. Turns out I was pregnant with an eptopic pregnancy. My fallopian tube had ruptured and I was bleeding internally really bad. I was told I'd have to have surgery and that they were getting the OR booked and set up as we spoke. I was in pure shock as I had no idea that any what I was feeling had to do with my girl parts. Of course there is no way to save a fetus and they weren't even sure where inside me the egg had went.

About 30 minutes later I'm wheeled up to the OR and prepped for surgery. It was about 5:30 pm at this point. I don't really remember much. I remember having to get my contacts out and my one hand had an IV in and it was really difficult to get them out. Then they put the mask on my face. They told me I'd feel woozy but nothing happened till they actually pushed the mask down on my face. Maybe a second later I was asleep. This was the most peaceful sleep I've ever had in my life. According to the doctor the surgery is really wild and I'm glad I was out for it. It was laserscopic surgery so they cut 3 inscisions on my belly and inserted a tool in there to vacuum out all the schmutz that was inside me. I woke up at 7 pm totally rested and a little pissed because I was being woken up. I hadn't slept that good since I was probably in my second trimester with Connor! I did get the shakes really bad after I woke up. That's my reaction to all drugs including marijuanna. They gave me a shot of demerol (sp?) and in moments the shaking went away. Hooray for that cause it was kind of painful on my incisions.

I spent a very sleepless night in the hospital that night. They had these things on my ankles sort of like blood pressure cuffs that tightened and released all night long. The machine sounded like it had indegestion and kept making ticking and belching sounds. It was totally annoying. I guess it's there to keep the chances of clots forming in your legs while you are inactive. I was released at 11:30 that morning.

The first week at home was pretty tough. I couldn't laugh, stand or walk with any bit of ease. I had a sense of ephoria (sp) and I felt invinsible. I wish I still had that pep. While it was really difficult to get around the nurses told me that I'd get better faster with the more I got up and walked around. I couldn't lift Connor which was heartbreaking for me. The cat wasn't too happy either since he could get on me and get comfy.

The following week was my post op appointment with my own ob/gyn whom I love to death. I've always felt comfortable with this guy which is pretty important if he's going to be looking at all my parts. He told me I could do all my normal activites again but to wait on having sex for another week. haha like I'd want to have sex and get into this situation again! hahah.. Of course I was bummed about not being able to be "close" to my hubby as I really needed the closeness.

Things are going good now. I'm not feeling as good emotionally as I was when I came home from the hospital. I'm sad about killing a baby. I feel like a huge part of who I am is missing. I know it's just part of my fallopian tube that's gone and that we didn't want to have any more kids but this is really tough for me to get over. Everything about me feels different. I'm hoping this is just a phase cause I worry about what will happen if I continue to feel this way.

Tom was awesome through it all. He stayed home the rest of the week after my surgery which gave me 5 days to heal before taking care of Connor on my own. I have the best friends in the entire world. They all came together and brought us yummy dinners for about 6 or 7 days. I don't know what we would have done without them. Tom's not much of a cook. I think the kitchen intimidates him and while I know he can cook really well it seems that he freaks out if its something with more than a couple of steps. We even had friends come over every day and play with Connor so he didn't get to bored with being stuck at home. I never realized how many friends I had and how much love and support they gave me. I want to do something extra special for them to show them how much I appreciate them.

I'm very thankful that I am alive today to recite my story. It was so great to wake up and see my families face after I woke up. I know that I am loved!
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