Because I am an old person who still enjoys the ancient Chinese invention called "paper", I went to Barnes & Noble today. Specifically not just because I enjoy paper but because I wanted to buy an address book because I'm also paranoid that my phone is going to suddenly explode and I'll lose my entire life with it (this is almost not an exaggeration, my phone seems to have heart failure). (Also, it seems I know a lot of people whose last name begins with M but are actually not related to me. I don't know why that's interesting at all.) (Also also, I keep forgetting to change sections when I write a new address and now I have a Germer in the F section. GAH.) This was supposed to be the only thing I purchased and yet I found myself hanging around the young adult fiction area.
Okay, time out. (LOL, Zack Morris image just now, ilu.) I think I've finally determined/come to terms with the fact that I can't be an adult. I haven't finished an adult book in so long that I can't even remember what said book might have even been, I can't pay attention to adult concerns, and I kind of want a popsicle right now. Other evidence: 1) My journal layout is dedicated to an American Idol. 2) The Jonas Brothers and all things that possibly link to them in any way imaginable. In my brain. 3) I hang out in the young adult section at the bookstore.
I'm a little concerned that these facts perhaps reflect upon me in a relatively negative way. I mean, I don't really care at all, but at the same time I kinda do, which makes no sense whatsoever. I just want people to know that it's not because my reading level is that of a tenth grader. (I accomplished that in like third grade, so.) I mean, I did seamlessly use the word "bludgeoning" in a Facebook status update the other day and then my 48 year old brother-in-law commented, "What a word! Bludgeoning. Where do you get these?" to which I never replied because I couldn't think of anything less snarky/insulting than "Um, I read books." (Btw, if we're not Facebook friends, why not? Go be my friend so I can stop pretending to care what people I went to high school with are doing in their wonderful-fantastic-amazing lives that I hate.)
(Also, to be fair, though frightening, I know the Internet has totally destroyed my attention span, so that explains some a lot of things. Thanks, Al Gore.)
Anyway, what was I saying? I bought a book. Which is weird because I rarely buy books full price from a bookstore. It's also bad because so many people have given me so many books that I still haven't finished reading. I can think of at least three people who are probably reading this. (Also, both a roaming B&N employee and my checkout clerk were bitches. Look, Barnes & Noble, I go to your store because it's close to my house, not because you're some fantastically magical bookstore. I kind of hate you, honestly.) The book is called
13 Little Blue Envelopes which is about a girl who is sent on a crazy journey by her crazy aunt in a scavenger hunt kind of way and sounded interesting to the thirteen year old in me. Also, the author's name is Maureen Johnson, but I swear a vague RENT-related connection did not influence my purchase of this novel. No, really!
Anyway, in other news, I'm lazy. So lazy that even though I'm on the computer allll the time, I haven't been around LJ. Maybe you noticed. I mean, I don't want to be self-important or anything, but maybe you did notice. LOL, I don't know what I'm saying anymore. Point being: I don't know what's going on with everyone as usual. AS USUAL.
I'm also rambling. This post is already crazy long, but that won't stop me, watch!
I spent Bastille Day at the beach with Tyler. (Do you like how I said that as if I planned an event in celebration of Bastille Day? In reality, Tyler and I had to look it up to be sure we knew what even happened on Bastille Day. By the way, points go to Tyler because he guessed it before my stupid phone could load all of the Wikipedia page. Minus points to every French teacher I ever had for not teaching me about Bastille Day.) We drove up scary hills in Astoria in my sister's car, avoided paying the $1 parking fee at the Astoria Column (and avoided climbing the Astoria Column), by-passed scary touristy Seaside, marveled at how many people were in Cannon Beach, walked my sister's dogs along Cannon Beach, almost lost my sister's dogs in the Pacific Ocean and then bought candy. Citrus-flavored sugar-coated gummy candy to be precise. Actually, to be precise, grapefruit- (OMG YUMMY) and lemon- (could have been more lemony) flavored sugar-coated gummy candy. We also wore ugly hats to avoid being sunburned, which actually worked. Well, and sunblock that didn't melt into my eyes this time.
To reward you for all this ridiculous reading, here is a picture of Nick Jonas making pizza for you. It takes muscle. (Apparently.)
Upon further inspection, he kind of looks like he's admiring it like a lover. Oh, Nick J. ♥__♥ Your glucose meter is redlining.