Summer of George, Event 5: David Archuleta and Demi Lovato

Jul 15, 2009 05:43

Less talk, more visual. Ready? Set... GO.

I almost had an accident in more ways than one when I saw this car right around a Tacoma traffic slow down that went on for miles. Holy Archuleta! ♥

The WaMu Theater in Seattle is a strange place. Like, this picture is awful in showing, but it has to be shared, okay? The entry lounge-y hang-out place looks, as Tyler put it, like you just walked into a music video. Like, for real.

So, Archie had this totally awesome entrance thing going on, that I totally failed to capture on camera because I was too enthralled. He was like backlit behind a drop cloth at the front of the stage, right? Thus creating fifty foot tall Archie silhouette? Yes. It was awesome and all dramatic and stuff, right? Yes, again. And then he waved. WAVED. Boy gave a cute little wave and I thought I was going to die. Ooh, Archie. ♥

Anyway, onward.

It would seem, for all the times I've cursed my camera, if one is in the sixth row the thing might just do a decent job of taking pictures. As follows:

Like, can I take a minute? And say that when that boy came out onstage I... I don't even know the words. I did not realize how much I love Archie because there was a total heart-stopping-OMG-that's-my-boy-look-at-those-thighs kind of moment, okay? Like, okay?? I mean, I loooove Archie, I know, but there was just a moment where I was a little elated. A little light-headed. A little wishing I wasn't surrounded by eight year olds.

I was on the, what I have habitually called "The Neal Side" (which doesn't pertain to Archie at all, omg), which is stage left. (That's the right side when you're looking straight on, people.) So when he'd wander over there, I'd get pretty good pictures, as you can see. I would also get a little weak-kneed. (Seriously, what is happening to me??)

OH HAI, SWEATY ARCHIE. This is like two songs in. Boy got sweatier. Honestly, how is this appropriate for children??

Archie wants you to reach out to him and touch his hand.

Oh hi there, bb, sitting on a stool!

If anyone can make him fall in love, Cook I YOU CAN.

There's a lot of pictures from this moment, but for goodness sake, he was finally holding still. I have about 80 blurry pictures of him because he kept jumping. JUMP. ing. Like he does.

What happened to your Roland keyboard, Archie? Knew we were figuring it out, did you?

MORE SWEAT. I mean, honestly.

Like pouring off. POURING. In fact, later on, it literally did and I almost had a flaily fit. Am I a little obsessed, or what? I DON'T KNOW.

At some point in here, whenever he sang "Works for Me!", he totally was all, "I wrote this next song about myself, because I know I am awkward and weird, but things always seem to work for me anyway." Well, that's a paraphrase, clearly, but still. CUTE.

BB D is bringing sexy back. To... Mormonism? IDK. DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? He unbuttoned his collar. Un. Buttoned.

Now how on earth did that get in here?

Now, my camera, I admit that I maybe don't really know how to work it. But I have never figured out how to make it record video longer than a minute. Like is it even supposed to? I HAVE NO IDEA. Even so, here are two sneaky video bits. (OMG, there was a camera vs. video recording NAZI right near us that kept yelling at the lady on my other side. DUDE, I don't care if it's against the rules, you're distracting me from the ARCHULETA. Come on now..)

I had sort of planned to video "Barriers", but not this ("Don't Let Go"). However, the music started and he started doing that hippy-shake-shake thing that he does, like exactly like in that one video we all drooled over forever?? Yeah, well, he conveniently (ha!) stopped doing it when I was recording and started again when I stopped. *shakes fist* Still, he's kind of doing it at the beginning and a little at the end, but not as much. I SHOULD STOP STARING AT HIS GROIN AREA, PROBABLY. Also, he's adorably flaily. ♥

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After that, I totally failed at "Barriers" and didn't even get a picture of him patting his bicep like he does when he says, "We're not getting any stronger". (Which he totally did do, by the way.) HOWEVER, I got probably the best minute of "Zero Gravity", which is proven right here:

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LIKE HE HAS NO GRAVITY, OKAY? ZERO. And bouncy and jumping back and forth and waving. SERIOUSLY NOW.

Oh yeah, Danielle reminded me that there was some other girl there too? Demetria Delvarto or some ridiculous thing? Hmm.

Ooooh, DEMI LOVATO. Got it. :D

I don't really know Demi's music, right? But I totally enjoyed it, seriously. Here she is having a moment with her hot-ass guitar player who kind of had a Neal Tiemann thing going on, for real. He could at least have been related, I swear. You totally can't tell, but trust me. Really.

And her other guitar player? Looked like Jerry Trainor, I swear. Enough that it was distracting. I didn't get a picture of him though, but it was THAT SMILE, okay? The Spencer Smile.

When she sang "This is Me" (a song I knew, wow!) she called up like four girls to sing it with her. Baaad idea. They were awful of course, and one was reaaaaallly preoccupied with taking a picture of herself with Demi, Demi, the audience, Demi, and herself with Demi. Again. Demi was totally cool about it, but hello, little girl. (Haha, why am I picking on a little girl, I am evil, obviously.) Aww, then when Demi sang the bits that are Joe's overlapping parts I was like, "JOE JONAS SHOULD BE HERE, not these little girls!" Um, anyway. *cough* (I can't remember if JoBros sang "I've Gotta Find You" at my concert, but if they did, I'm sure I was also all, "DEMI SHOULD BE HERE.")

For the love of Disney, why is she so pretty?? I almost couldn't handle it.

Demi totally rocked, okay? Which is awesome because I didn't know any of her music and I had at one point thought I would cut out after Archie's set because... well, he was why I was there at all. But I decided to stick around (well, and Danielle yelled at me) and I'm glad I did! Quite enjoyable.

Okay, I don't know if that's really all, but I'm sooo tired now, and I've spent hours on this now, but I wanted to get it up because hey! EXCITING, OKAY?

Oh, I sat by this lady and her teenage son, right? And she talked to me about how the two of them had gone to Boise to see Archie on the first leg of his tour (which came nowhere around here) and they live in Portland, right? And her son is totally adorable and wearing an Archie t-shirt and the whole time I'm just sooo wanting to say, "You know your son's gay, right?" Because she almost seemed oblivious if that were true. Which it probably was. However, she seemed pretty cool, so... you know. It didn't matter. But I'm just saying. They traveled to see him before. I really sort of like that I got to sit by a gay Portland boy and his mother and had short eight year olds in front of me. Really worked out for my enjoyment, obviously. XD

In conclusion, Archie is growing up (like, rawr!), bringing sexy back, defying gravity, and I want to have his babies. Like a bunch of times. I can't believe I almost didn't buy a ticket to this show!

Um, I completely forgot it was Half-Blood Prince movie day. Oops?

summer of george 2009, cougar attack, david archuleta

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