May 26, 2012 00:19
I have not erased jesse's last texts to me, because I just can't bring myself to do it. I accidentally erased my texts to him, though, so I can't always remember exactly what we were talking about. He talked about the problems he was having with his van quite a bit though, which might explain my bitterness towards that vehicle, since he died driving it. These texts are just for me, really, but maybe some of you might be interested in them. My remembrances and comments are in parentheses.
can you do the test in the morning? (we were, of course, texting about a transcription of a test.)
I'm going to be late.
Thank God. What a situation.
A couple gallons, I'm sure.
Rock on. See you tomorrow. Have a good bath. (I had been in an awful lot of pain that day, and a bath is one of the main ways I alleviate that pain. He was always so fucking considerate.)
97, son.
Try had asked him for bondurant's, the chemistry teacher's, email because I wanted to send him a video of neil degrasse tyson. Jesse messed up and sent me the environmental science teacher's email. :D )
It didn't work.
Fucking awesome.
I totally gave you germroth's. (here he realizes he gave me the wrong email :D )
I'm there. (we were hanging out for lunch and to drink lots of red wine.)
I'll be late.
I just pulled in.
I'm done.See you in class.
I can't get my van to calibrate. (THAT FUCKING VAN.)
It's dangerous. It always works eventually, but I've been at it for 45 fucking minutes.
I'm going to explode.
Let me in. (he was so demanding. :D :D :D I was always more than happy to serve.)
I'm still trying to get my van to calibrate.
Fuck. My. Life. (That. Fucking. Van.)
Got it
I like them. I wouldn't say "huge" though. When are they performing? (We were planning on going to see Iron Maiden together in June, if we could both swing it. I am not going to see them without him, even if I could afford it, which I can't.)
I do love Georgia.
I mean Atlanta.
I will destroy the company that modifies these vans.
I drove a random residential street. I was hoping that it would calibrate if I drove it. It hasn't worked yet. (VAN. THAT.)
I have a guy coming.
I'm sure I will.
It's just going to be a bitch. (We were supposed to meet for dinner and then a class)
My tech will be here at, maybe, 5:15
I'll text.
This is complete and total bullshit.
99k+ 45k in mods and all I have to show for it is an aneurysim.
He's here. He's not doing anything I wasn't already.
I need to bring it in.
Yeah. No
Sure. What time is it?
Groovy. It's working, but he thinks the beeping is a problem.
I'm going to drive it off a cliff. ( ;__; )
Get here by 8:30, or we won't make it.(this was for the first env sci outing, which we didn't make, because he couldn't be ready.)
Jesse wont be ready until 830.
ill be there
I'll be fucktardedly late. (this was for the environmental science outing at Upper Tampa Bay Park.)
Come let me in. (this was for the lab after Upper Tampa Bay, which was the last class I had for him. When we said goodbye, he gave me a bottle of wine for my dad's birthday from the cache he had for his brother's wedding, and I gave him a big hug and a kiss goodbye. As goodbyes go, it was not bad. I would still give anything not to have had to say goodbye at all.)