I spent a long weekend in Michigan this past weekend. For one thing, it was Easter. Second, my cousin Alicia had her baby in February and I wanted to meet her. Peighton. She is pretty darn cute and looks almost exactly like her mom growing up. Somehow I can't quite believe that my cousins are old enough to be married and have kids of their own now! At least on my dad's side. On my mom's side, I am one of the younger cousins.
I was able to see my cat, too.
Today is a very humid, hot day (in the 70s) and I am home sick with a sore throat and general achiness. I was able to call all of my clients, but I am still sad not to see them this week. Some I will be able to see on Saturday. As much as I don't like working Saturdays, it is nice to continue service for my clients.
Still liking the new job. I just passed my probationary period and am officially full-time. Hooray! This means health insurance, dental and other benefits.