Feb 11, 2004 18:28
i have commenced panicking about where i am going to live in may. and strangely, being the newhouser that i am, this "where the hell am i going to live?!?" panic attack has now trumped the "where the hell am i going to work?!?" panic attacks. i am considerably more concerned with finding an apartment than i am with finding employment so that i can PAY for said apartment.
yesterday i spent many of my waking hours (and even a few of trying-to-sleep hours) making a mental list of everything that i would need to furnish an apartment. i have a bed. and that's about all. i will spare you the agony of my list, and i'll just say it's rather lengthy. ::breathe::
here's my logic: i would rather have a place to hang my head and work at (enter any number of fast food restaurants here) on may 10th then start a kick ass job (well, first i would have to define my "kick ass job") and have to live in a cardboard box until i can make a security deposit. because did i mention that my parents can't/won't (take your pick) help me? yeah. BUT if i sign a lease first, they won't stick their never-going-to-amount-to-anything-anyway daughter with a binding contract, therefore allowing me to live in misery in an apartment, not a cardboard box. they would, however, say, "oh, no job yet? better move home until you find one!" ::shudders::
panic attacks,