Oct 17, 2005 17:55
Welly, welly...Saz, I will reply to thine sexy comment on my last journal...just had to type something that didn't require any thought before I started homework.
Haha...Bev made a funny. No, seriously. You don't get it? WHAT'S WRONG WITCHA MUTHA FUCKIN' ASS??????!!!!! How darest thee? Just kidding.
Sorry...had a weird moment, there. Maybe it's all these Bjork (pronounced "beyork") videos I've been watching. They're pretty fucked up. She had to be on drugs or SOMETHING. No fair.
I'm really getting into her schtuff, though. Once you get passed the funky Icelandish accent and bare boobs *can we say DOUBLE-TAKE!?*, her music and videos aren't all that bad...and actually kinda kewl.
Definitely some good poetry, too. Ppl should check her out.
Anywho...hola to the sexies in the world. Lord...?...knows I love ya. Can't wait 'til this week's over.
*blorg terminated*