Feb 26, 2011 00:04
Today, I was finger printed, paid for a background check, and hung out in a 6th grade class full of super-awesome and super-duper-enthusiastic middle schoolers. Today, I am officially subbing for WDP on April 11th for none other than my uber-talented and always lovely prior cooperating teacher, Brittany.
I am now a substitute teacher for the WDP district. OH EM JEE!
Comic Book Classroom is launching on Monday. For realsies this time. So much is happening so quickly... I just can't believe it. I feel like I jumped into the world's most productive tornado.
Upon realizing this, I decided today that it was time to obtain a smart phone, or at least, a phone with calendar capabilities that go beyond holding only five entries. So I did. Turns out, I've been paying way too much for too little. For five dollars more, I picked up a phone with 3x the minutes, unlimited text/picture messaging, and unlimited internet. The best part? I've been out of a contract for over a year, so I switched carriers. Thus, my 550 dollar phone cost me a total of 50 dollars. For reals.
Tonight illustrated how much I need it--in the span of 24 hours, I managed to forget about a CBC meeting tomorrow to pick up materials. How? I'm awesome, that's how.
So much is happening so fast.. In one week's time, I've managed to expand the teaching part of my resume from a mere field experience to substitute teaching and an after school program.
Oh. And the praxis exam is happening on a Saturday sometime in the next two or three weeks. I should figure out when that is. x.x;;
So much to do, and not enough time to do it! Gyah!
Git'r'done. =D