
Dec 04, 2007 11:31

An Open Letter To General Mills:

I like healthy food. Whole grain bread, Grape Nuts, yogurt, broccoli, asparagus, Kashi, tofu, even Brussels sprouts. But General Mills, even I, the lentil-loving granola-eater, think you have gone too far. I decided to sign up for a free sample of your Fiber One. Being one who is not afraid of foods with a high fiber content, I thought, "oo sounds good, and at worst it'll be good in my yogurt." WRONG. Yes, I am aware that these horrible looking bran worms have an impressive 57% of my daily fiber requirement. I also see that each serving is only 60 calories. However, if I were to chew on today's newspaper, I imagine it would taste better. I also imagine that, shredded and put into a bowl with skim milk, it would look more appetizing, too.

And on that note, General Mills, I ask that you take your bottom line into account and reconsider Fiber One. Also, get rid of all ingredients I can't pronounce...or at least make them taste good.

The Granola-Lover
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