Mar 09, 2006 22:56
So it turns out that I'm not the only one who doesn't like Diane and the way she "teaches" our class; everyone else in my entire class basically hates her. She even made Jane cry! And Jane is a grown woman with two kids! After this afternoons class I was worrying about the fact that we had about 30 forms to do so far and I'd only done two and I had no idea what I was doing even with those. So Jane gave me a hug, Michael offered to lend me his folder so I could just copy his (I'm so far behind it was actually tempting, but of course I refused, I'm there to learn, not copy people's answers) and Anthony said I will have to make sure I will sit with them tomorrow and they will help me as best they can. They are all such nice people, I feel a bit better about tomorrow's class now, and am sure I will catch up somehow.
After that class I went to the lab because I hadn't been able to reply to email/comments for a few days and it was bugging me. So there I was, thinking I was finally getting on top of them when the fire alarm goes off (drill) and I have to leave. So right now I'm on dad's computer hoping to god that it doesn't die on me. See, mum and dad aren't all that good with computers and it is horribly infected with viruses and spyware and crap. And if it dies, it will be ME who gets the blame, even though I've warned them about it. (I get the blame for a lot of things in this house.)
Anway, I should be in bed by now, so I will leave you with this brief and random lesson.
Wierding people out 101
Take a popular or catchy song that contains an often repeated word and sing it to people, replacing said word with someone's name. (Either their name or the name of a mutual friend, or clearly they just wont get it.) Observe:
Here's a Jesse, there's a Jesse, and another little Jesse, funny Jesse, fuzzy Jesse, Jesse Jesse duck!
Ah, I don't think I'll ever get tired of doing this to people.