(no subject)

Apr 27, 2011 00:27

'4th January 1948

Dear Carlotta,

We received word from your father. He is safe and well, but has not disclosed his location. I enclose his letter, which I have rewritten below in case the army want the original.

'My dear Carlotta,
I am so sorry for disappearing. I am safe and well and I feel I owe you an explanation.
The truth is, I charged off against orders because I was going after the man who shot Harris. The man took a bullet for me and I don't know if he made it. He's been looking after me almost my whole life, it was time I returned the favour.
By the time I got back, unsuccessfully I might add, the army had moved on and I found out from the locals that they'd been hunting me as a deserter.
I am handing myself in as soon as I find the army. Please be careful in the balloon corps.

That sounds promising! Sorry to hear about Harris. Keep me posted if you hear anything.

Thank you for the hand knitted baby things. I feel like a whale!

All my love,

'10th January

Agent Frances,

We have taken the original letter from your father. Please send on any more you receive. He will need to face trial but if his story checks out, may evade prison.
Your friend Harris is alive and has been transferred to a British hospital.

Captain Rudders'

'14th January

My dearest Carlotta,

Did you get my Christmas present to you? I got yours but the letter implied it hadn't arrived.

I enclose more chocolate. It's awfully exciting here! I had to do an emergency stop the other day when someone tried to cycle across the runway.

Love you forever. Keep those balloons flying.



Carlotta puts down the last letter and looks at the chocolate. She's seen it before. And little does Will realise, but he's given something away.

Local chocolate? A runway that goes across a road? Will's stationed in Gibraltar, a few miles away.

This could be bad...
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