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subtle_simmer May 30 2006, 17:48:18 UTC
Severus had not survived being Death Eater or spy for over twenty years by not being observant, and had not missed the silent observation of the young woman a few places away from himself. When the wandering elves had taken their meal orders and quickly provided the fare, he watched as the newcomer joined Miss Greengrass, then nodded at both of them.

Severus made a point of knowing all his students by name, carefully memorising names and faces at the Sorting each year. It made it so much easier to reprimand them intimidatingly if he could drip their names with scathing disdain.

Another favourite past-time which was not in that blasted book Molly Weasley had leant him.

Well, one thing which was in the book was to look for opportunities to have conversation or extend politeness or some other such rubbish. This, at least, seemed an ideal opportunity.

"You are correct, Miss Turpin," he said in the intervening pause in conversation. "If I might make the introductions? Miss Daphne Greengrass, this is Miss Lisa Turpin. Miss Turpin was in Ravenclaw House, in your year."

Turning to Lisa, he completed the introduction.

"Miss Greengrass was in my House."

If he sounded just a little pleased with that addition, it couldn't be helped. Severus, of course, had long known that not 'all' of the 'bad' people came out of his House, but the prejudice was long-standing before he'd come to school as a student. With his own situation dangerously precarious, he could do little to counter-balance that prejudice overtly, though he did continually try to make sure 'his' Snakelets knew they had other options besides the Death Eaters. He remembered Daphne's fifth year career counseling, and was exceedingly glad that she was one of those who had 'escaped', and last he knew, she was well on her way to her goal of becoming an Auror.

Severus could take no personal credit for her choices or her accomplishments, of course, but he was exceedingly proud of them, nonetheless.

"I have been a bit out of touch with things, lately," he said dryly. Living three years in hiding, primarily amongst Death Eaters, would tend to limit one's news-sources. "You are in Auror Training, I believe?" he asked, directing his question toward Daphne.


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