Grand Opening!

May 14, 2006 15:16

Date: May 14
Time: 9 AM
Location: Alecto's Animal Emporium, Diagon Alley
Characters Involved: Aurin Helm, anyone in need of animal supplies or vet care!
Rating: We'll make it PG-13, just in case.
Status: Incomplete

Time to Get to Work )

status: complete, character: juneau connors, character: severus snape, location: alectos animal emporium, character: aurin helm, character: seamus finnigan

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subtle_simmer May 15 2006, 02:43:22 UTC
Severus had not escaped the rather aggressive advertising fliers scattered about the wizarding world, and as he was low on some ingredients (which June had pointed out) he decided to pay a visit to the shop. 'New' seldom meant 'better' in his experience, but he never passed up the opportunity to look for better-quality ingredients for his potions ( ... )


sightlesswolf May 15 2006, 03:11:38 UTC
Truthfully, it hadn't taken much 'insisting' for June to agree to accompany him to the shop. Her new job did a great deal to occupy her time and her mind, but it didn't get her out of the house, and as always when the moon was waxing her restlessness was growing with it ( ... )


golden_armor May 15 2006, 03:24:36 UTC
Romero watched intently as the two new customers entered, about to demand attention. Just as he opened his beak to make himself known, however, he noticed that the male was giving off the feeling that he associated with people who didn't particularly enjoy animals, and rethought his actions, making a quiet burbling noise instead.

It was this that caught Aurin's attention as he showed Seamus back to the bird supplies aisle, and he smiled at the new customers. "Welcome to our grand opening! I'll be with you in just a moment, but feel free to look around in the meantime!" he said as he led the way for his current customer.


subtle_simmer May 15 2006, 03:36:05 UTC
He snorted in surprised amusement at June's comment.

"Don't be ridiculous," he chided her sardonically. "If I were to acquire a pet, I'd get myself a ferocious Kneazle just to watch you lot fight it out once every twenty-nine days."

He kept his voice low so as not to be overheard by anyone in the shop, but he could not help but be somewhat astonished to think he had come so 'far' in such a short time, that his own personal phobia had become a source of jocularity.

The proprietor of the shop wandered past at just that moment, and addressed them. Severus nodded in acknowledgment, but made no other reply. As soon as the man had passed, he spoke quietly to June again.

"There is a bloody Harpy in the window," he said to her in astonishment. "I'd pay handsomely for some tail feathers and fresh clippings from his talons - though if I could get a vial of blood..."


golden_armor May 15 2006, 03:52:32 UTC
Hearing the comment about blood, Romero mantled and hissed softly, fluffing his feathers out to look more impressive. He'd be damned if anyone was going to come near him with a needle!

The female, he could tell, had a more benign interest in him. She had an odd scent to her, almost canine, but he'd been around dogs quite a bit before, and she seemed friendly enough. He shuffled down his tree branch and across the window ledge until he was almost level with her hand, then chirruped quietly, hoping that she'd scratch him behind the wings while waiting for his master to take care of whatever needs the two had.


sightlesswolf May 15 2006, 04:29:21 UTC
June pretended to consider that idea. "Well, if that would make you happy, then I suppose it's fine. Though I'd hope your Kneazle would be smart enough to know we don't mean any harm - provided your potion continues to be effective, anyway." It was a sly little jab. One of the fastest ways to get Professor Snape - Severus - riled up was to imply that one of his potions might possibly be in some way less than absolutely perfect.

His observation about the bird in the window - a harpy! she thought with a swift intake of breath - earned him a startled and disapproving little frown. "Considering this is a pet shop and clinic, I don't know how well they're going to take to the idea of you harvesting bits of their animals," she whispered, taking extra care this time to make sure her voice wasn't audible beyond his ears. "Maybe if it were to be molting or something ( ... )


golden_armor May 15 2006, 05:06:28 UTC
From the uncertainty of her movements and the fact that his invitation for a scratch hadn't been accepted, Romero had deduced that the human female was unable to see him. Looking extremely pleased at the compliment, he helped things along a bit by easing under her hand and positioning himself so that her fingers were at the middle of his back between his wings, his favorite spot to be petted.


sightlesswolf May 15 2006, 06:03:32 UTC
And... okay, the bird wanted to be petted! There could be no question when he'd actually pushed himself under her hand. A delighted smile spreading across her face, June acquiesced to his mute request and dug her fingers into the feathers on his back, luxuriating in the silky softness against her skin and the feel of the bird's powerful back beneath her hand. Such amazing creatures, raptors, and to have one allow her this close... it was a large unexpected bonus to this trip.


subtle_simmer May 15 2006, 13:18:53 UTC
Before he had time to retort in-kind to the 'slight' about his potions, Severus hissed a sharp intake of breath as the bird moved closer to her, and almost snapped at her like a parent scolding a child for touching a strange animal.

Keep your hand down - you don't know where it's been! What if it lops off your finger?

Apparently, however, harpy eagles weren't as distressed over lycanthropes as his post-owls at home. Then again, they were his post owls. It was just as possible that their caterwauling was due to the presence of anyone besides himself in the lab, rather than the lycanthropy.

It had been impossible not to hear the subtle wistfulness in her voice over not being able to see the creature, and equally impossible to miss the expression of delight, now. The shopkeeper was not yet in view, and Severus had pretty much resigned himself that this was not the place to attain still-beating-amphibian hearts, unless he was prepared to take home the entire amphibian with said beating heart still firmly encased within its skin. ( ... )


golden_armor May 16 2006, 05:22:36 UTC
Aurin, having shown Seamus where the wide selection of raptor treats was and explained the differences between brands, excused himself and left the younger man to make his decision, saying, "When you've chosen, tell Toviel that I said to give you ten percent off, for a fellow raptor owner." He approached Snape and June, arriving just in time to hear Snape's comment about Romero's attention-loving attitude and intelligence.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Aurin, the owner, and that's my brother Toviel behind the counter. The vain bird's name is Romero, and," he said with a grin, "I certainly hope you haven't been making his ego too much larger. It's big enough as it is."

Romero, whose eyes had been shut in bliss at June's touch, opened one eye and gave him a sardonic look, which Aurin returned briefly.

"Well then," he said to his customers, "is there anything in particular I can help you with today?"


sightlesswolf May 16 2006, 05:36:36 UTC
June was surprised and touched by his willingness to, all unasked, act as her 'eyes' and describe the bird for her. And in such elaborate and brilliant detail! However, she knew by now that effusive thanks were a no-no, so she settled for giving him a warm smile, a small squeeze - not quite a half-hug - to the arm hers was looped through, and directing her words to the harpy ( ... )


subtle_simmer May 16 2006, 06:12:28 UTC
"Not a complete dunderhead was the best anyone earned," he replied with haughty good humour. When the shopkeeper made his presence known, Severus nodded in greeting.

"Severus Snape. We entered mostly out of curiosity. I am a Potions Master, and never miss opportunity to examine potential new suppliers. I suspect, however, that this establishment doesn't quite cater to the sorts of supplies I need. I like my ingredients fresh but not livingHe eyed the harpy eagle covetously ( ... )


golden_armor May 16 2006, 06:44:13 UTC
Aurin grinned as Romero reveled in June's comments. Obviously, though he teased about the bird's pride, he didn't actually mind at all when others complimented him. "He understands quite a bit of what's said about and around him. He was raised by humans, and of course spending so much time around magic is bound to have its effects as well. He understands quite a bit of English, a little Chinese, and the word for 'food' in about ten other languages ( ... )


subtle_simmer May 16 2006, 07:19:08 UTC
Arching a brow in surprise at how easily the other man acquiesced to his unusual request, Severus nodded gravely.

"I will do that, Mr Helm, I thank you."

He wasn't quite sure what to make of the man. Did he not read the papers? Had he fled elsewhere during the war, only now to return? Not that Severus wanted to be 'famous' - or rather 'infamous' as the case may be, but murdering the most popular, longest-standing Headmaster of the most prestigious school of wizardry in all of Europe would rather tend to give one a reputation. Perhaps the man merely hadn't recognised the name - though 'Snape' certainly wasn't a common name, wizarding or Muggle ( ... )


golden_armor May 17 2006, 00:18:39 UTC
Aurin had indeed heard of Severus Snape and his part in the ending of the war. There were very few who hadn't, and his former line of work had necessitated keeping up with the latest news, sometimes before the general public knew about it. However, he also knew that both of the brothers Dumbledore had vouched for Snape's innocence. A former student of Albus Dumbledore, Aurin had met him a few times, though it was usually either in the form of receiving or fulfilling a detention. Still, if Dumbledore had vouched for the man's good name, Aurin was willing to believe it. This being his first face-to-face meeting with the Potions Master, he'd decided to treat him as he would any other new acquiantance or customer: politely and with friendly accomodation ( ... )


subtle_simmer May 17 2006, 01:20:49 UTC
Severus watched the man's face sharply, looking for signs of deception. If he had been with the Ministry, his knowledge of Severus could not be in question now. Yet many people were in 'protest' of the current Registry - most of them people who were on it. Was this Helm one of the many Death Eater supporters who were never 'Marked' and therefore never acknowledged? Or yet another do-gooder type who believed him somehow 'redeemable' simply because Albus had been a sentimental old fool?

Again, impossible to tell. He stored the information away with a nod, and no further questions or comments on the subject. Instead, he tightened his arm where June's hand rested closer to his side to gain her attention.

"That would be acceptable," he agreed to the offer to look about the shop at the various animals.

"Do you want to come with, June, or stay here and fraternise with your new feathered friend?" he asked her dryly.


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