Never Any Good News

Apr 15, 2006 03:50

Date: April 15, 2000
Time: Morning, breakfast
Characters Involved: Residents of Spinner's End
Status: Complete
Rating: Aw hell, we're talking at least PG-13, possibly R

Draco should have seen it coming.  Everything was going oddly that morning.  For one thing, it was morning.  Generally Draco was not up nearly so early.  He wasn't much of a morning ( Read more... )

character: theodore nott, status: complete, character: juneau connors, character: severus snape, character: remus lupin, location: spinners end, group: werewolves, character: draco malfoy

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Comments 26

m4moony April 16 2006, 05:27:24 UTC
It was three days to the Full Moon and Remus was restless. Up since a couple hours to dawn, he'd already broken his fast hours earlier and yet, still found himself pondering the merits of a couple egg salad sandwiches as he scanned the muggle papers for potential positions in the study. Really, it was that lycanthropic appetite which had him growing more concerned about the lack of any position. He was unsure exactly how much longer Severus could continue to support the eating needs of six werewolves, two still growing young men, and himself ( ... )


suicide_blonde_ April 16 2006, 06:09:27 UTC
Draco looked up sharply at the entrance of Remus and didn't bother to answer. There were bigger problems at stake. Namely the fact that Draco found it to be a distinct possibility that he would faint at any moment.

The headline still seemed like the worst part. Draco knew it would get worse, though, and Skeeter didn't disappoint. Lovers? Him and Potter . . . lovers? Okay, so maybe in Draco's wildest, most unattainable dreams, but the reality wasn't anywhere close. They weren't even friends. That, however, Draco could deal with on his own time.

Seeing in writing the implications that Draco was sleeping with Potter, romantically involved with Potter made his stomach twist unpleasantly enough. Seeing in writing the words 'moving in together' made Draco's head spin.

His parents would see. Oh fuck his parents would see. And who knew who else? Severus! Bloody fucking hell Severus would see. Had he already seen ( ... )


m4moony April 16 2006, 06:57:11 UTC
"Who? Severus ( ... )


subtle_simmer April 16 2006, 19:49:08 UTC
Indeed, Severus had already seen said article, having briefly scanned the paper before heading down to his lab. Rather than make him livid, he had been highly amused. Well--he had been a bit annoyed on Draco's behalf, and that protective instinct he harboured (and attempted to keep hidden) had risen enough to contemplate various entertaining ways to cause all of Skeeter's hair to fall out at an embarrassingly inopportune moment. For the most part, however, he had read the article with surprising equanimity, even as concerned himself ( ... )


suicide_blonde_ April 18 2006, 02:59:40 UTC
Draco glared at Theo and thrust the paper at him.

"No," he said. "He doesn't and by the time I come back up he will and I think I'm going to be sick."

And so saying, Draco made to follow Severus. He walked as slowly as he thought he could pull off without looking too obviously like a wizard being led to the stake, though he had the distinct feeling that the emotions experienced by that wizard and himself were eerily similar.

Draco hoped, rather stupidly, that Severus would take this alright. That he would laugh it off and make Draco promise to visit and all would be well. Draco indulged in that particular idiocy for about the five minutes it took to remember that regular, even breathing would probably be a good idea. And then he resumed living in real time and reality, he knew, would be much different.

Severus hated Potter after all. And he didn't like being blindsided and Draco blamed Skeeter and Potter and whoever else he could think of but himself, even though he knew he should've said something. Merlin, why hadn't he ( ... )


subtle_simmer April 18 2006, 03:14:13 UTC
Severus Snape did not 'hum cheerfully'. Ever. However, if he had been so inclined to do such an undignified thing, he might have been doing it on the way down the stairs. He was, after all, enough of a sadistic bastard as to enjoy other people's humiliation and misery, and the thought of how embarrassed Potter was sure to be over the article had him in very good spirits, indeed. He'd penned a few lines to Potter early this morning before the rest of the house had seen the article.

Severus Snape had been in a remarkably 'good' mood.

'Had been' being the operative phrase here.

Then again, if one was going to tell Severus something guaranteed to piss him off, doing it in the midst of a very good mood was probably the only 'safe' time to do such a thing--if there was ever a 'safe' time...

He had carried the tea-tray into his lab, allowed Draco inside, shut the door, and was in the act of pouring himself a cup when Draco began speaking. Rather clumsily, which gained Severus' attention at once. Draco never spoke clumsily unless he ( ... )


suicide_blonde_ April 18 2006, 03:24:42 UTC
Severus' reaction wasn't so terrible yet, but Draco winced anyway and swallowed hard because things were bound to get much, much worse.

"I said," Draco told Severus in as strong a voice as he could manage. "That I am moving in with Potter. I'd meant to tell you, Sev, I just couldn't figure out how."

Which was as weak an excuse as any, but it was the truth. Draco would have told Severus just as he would have told his parents (and oh Merlin they had to know by now and Draco wanted to be dead so badly he could taste it) but he hadn't know how to break news like that to any of them.

He pushed his hair out of his face and bit his lip nervously, watching Severus watch him with those dark eyes of his and feeling absolutely miserable.


subtle_simmer April 18 2006, 03:34:40 UTC
The silence was so heavy, for a time, that even the gentle simmer of the cauldrons full of wolfsbane potion sounded loud and abrupt--even behind the heavy wards he used to prevent fumes from escaping into the rest of the room or the house above. He merely stared, his face expressionless, his eyes unblinking.

He was not attempting to use Legilimency. He was merely trying to get his mind around the enormity of what Draco had just said--or, more specfically to Severus, what those words meant.

"You are moving in with Potter," he spat acidly, as though he needed to speak the words to confirm them. Rage began to simmer beneath the surface like a pressure-cooker, uncertain where to find vent.

What a fool he was! Particularly in light of his amusement upstairs!

"Who did you manage to 'tell'?" he asked through tightly clenched teeth.

Bloody fucking hell! What a good laugh Potter was having at his expense at this very moment!! Potter knew of his ignorance this morning in the journal!


sightlesswolf April 20 2006, 05:29:25 UTC
June hadn't moved since the shouting in the basement had begun. She didn't think anyone in the kitchen had. Lycanthropic hearing was hardly necessary, but it did help if one wanted to pick up every single word of Snape's tirade; it was close enough to the moon that she'd even caught most of what Draco had said leading up to it. The sudden crash and the sound of the door slamming made her jump. And then Draco was back, through the room before she could even think to react, and she could hear his footsteps pounding up the stairs to his own room.

Slam....She knew the feeling ( ... )


suicide_blonde_ April 20 2006, 05:52:23 UTC
Draco's head shot up and he blinked, inhaling sharply.

He didn't really want company. Didn't want anyone to see him ever again. He felt hollow and sick and like he had before. He thought he was better. He'd thought nothing could make him feel like that again. Obviously he'd been wrong.

He sat for a moment, staring at the scarred skin of his wrists for a few long moments before standing up slowly.

"Okay," he said, his voice hoarse. "Just a second."

Wand in hand, he removed the locking spell and opened the door, holding it open.

"Come on in," he said, happy that she was blind and couldn't see him now. He was sure he looked like hell.


sightlesswolf April 20 2006, 06:17:35 UTC
She heard the small gasp from inside the room, and then he went silent for several seconds. In fact, she was about ready to take that as a 'no' and leave him alone, when there was movement inside, and then the door was opened. "Thanks." Stepping inside, she closed the door quietly behind her and turned to face him.

True, that she couldn't see him. But she could hear him just fine, the rough pain in his normally smooth, cultured voice, the way each breath seemed to catch and shudder in his chest. The air was charged with fear and misery; she could scent it and feel it roiling against her skin, cold, like a physical thing.

Now that she was here, she didn't know what to say. 'Are you all right?' Obviously he wasn't, not at all. And no point in asking what happened; she knew well enough what the row had been about, and he probably could figure out that she'd heard it if he hadn't already. What was there to say that wouldn't sound stupid ( ... )


suicide_blonde_ April 21 2006, 19:12:24 UTC
Draco had no idea what June wanted. He knew that she, of all people had to understand a bit of what it was like to deal with Severus in a rage. Obviously their situations were incredibly different but Draco felt . . . okay with June being here.

He didn't know what to say and she wasn't speaking either and he opened his mouth to say something, anything, and was cut off by the strange feeling of being enfolded in June's arms.

What is she doing? Draco thought frantically, his heart racing and his mind balking at the contact. Not allowed, this wasn't allowed. Tender touches or any touches at all from those that Draco hadn't approved of already and then . . . his whole body went slack ( ... )


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