
Mar 25, 2008 15:08

Characters: Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange
Location: Malfoy Manor
Date: March 25, 2002
Time: Early afternoon
Rating: PG-13

There weather was fair when Bellatrix apparated outside Malfoy Manor, the light breeze picking up the spirals of her partially tied back hair. Passing through the gates and up the walk, she adjusted the ( Read more... )

character: narcissa malfoy, status: open, location: malfoy manor, character: lucius malfoy, character: bellatrix lestrange

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regal_narcissa March 26 2008, 05:14:08 UTC
The Manor had become a madhouse, at least by Narcissa's estimation. Tibby had been instructed to report to Narcissa immediately when anyone arrived or left the estates, and the little house-elf seemed to be popping up next to her every time she turned around. Right now, Harry Potter was with Draco and she had spoken with him earlier in the day, and mentioned that his aunt might want to see him when she came by. Draco got very quiet, and his expression spoke volumes. Narcissa immediately agreed to put her visit off to him; she would be told he was resting and could not be disturbed. The relief was visible; Narcissa felt pleased that she could offer him such a small thing with such a gratifying reaction.

Now, Tibby was by her side, as she moved to slip on her dress. Making a dressing decision had been the last thing on her mind, and she glanced to be sure she had at least applied some make up. She noticed the house-elf looking nervously at her, and she spoke, a bit sharply.

"Well, what do you have to report? Who is here now?"

Tibby shook slightly, and said, "Mistress, your sister, Mistress LeStrange is at the door."

Narcissa was up and out of her seat in an instant. As the elf trotted behind her, she spoke over her shoulder, "Bring us a high tea in my sitting room. Tell Mastor Malfoy immediately, so that he may decide to see her if he wishes, or not. And Tibby, do not bother Master Draco with this news."

She flew down the stairs, and opened the large doors herself.

"Bella. I hope you haven't been standing here long. Come in, come in."


toujoursfideles March 26 2008, 05:45:15 UTC
With a smile and a kiss to each cheek, Bellatrix greeted Narcissa.

"Barely a moment," she assured her sister as she stepped inside.

Bellatrix took her hand, the two quickly made their way to Narcissa's sitting room. Even within the safety of the home Bellatrix was reluctant to speak further until they were safely sequestered. Settling down onto a chaise, she admired the decor of the room, which had to be attributed to the mistress of the home.

Although she supposed etiquette indicated the hostess should serve their tea, Bellatrix never gave her the opportunity. Too long ago were the days when she could appropriately fuss over her little sister.

"Today hardly seems appropriate to waste time with pleasantries," Bellatrix observed as she poured tea for them both.

The cup, perched on its saucer, was steady as stone while Bellatrix held it out to Narcissa.

"And just for the record, I do not care to learn of family tragedy from The Daily Prophet," she admonished sharply. This was also no day for a lecture, and she was content to leave it at that. "Now how have you been holding up?"


regal_narcissa March 26 2008, 06:27:54 UTC
Narcissa accepted the offered cup and took a sip, and sighed heavily.

"I am sorry, Bella. It has been so hectic since he came home yesterday morning; there has been a barrage of people, in and out, trying to see him. He was interviewed earlier for the newspaper which exhausted him. He is resting, and although he is recovering, he is pushing himself too quickly."

Narcissa thought she had manipulated the facts to match a facsimile of the truth. He had been interviewed, but Bella did not need to know it was occurring right now. She did regret not telling her sister promptly.

"There was not much to tell until yesterday morning. I barely slept the night before for worry, and I spent most of the day caring for him, and then recovering myself. I could have owled you this morning," and Narcissa shrugged, "But what would have been the point? Much better to tell you that his injuries will not cause him to.....turn. But there is some undetermined side effects that may manifest on the full moon. Which is Friday."

She looked at Bella, and wondered at her sister's reaction.


toujoursfideles March 26 2008, 16:26:11 UTC
Bellatrix reigned in her amusement, giving an understanding shrug. Obviously it was an easily forgiven error; Draco often seemed to induce a bit of tunnel vision for his mother. When she'd read the article, she had simply assumed Draco's survival and health were indicated by the lack of announcement from her sister. Surely, if Draco had perished or worse, Narcissa would have called on her for support.

"Do not trouble yourself over it, I'm sure you've had your hands full," Bellatrix insisted.

Without malice she mused, What had Narcissa expected? That she would run over in the middle of the night to wait on her nephew? Certainly not. But no matter.

"Well that's lovely!" Bellatrix congratulated, a hint of pride entering her voice. "To walk away relatively unscathed, how wonderful."

Suspecting many Death Eaters felt the same way, Bellatrix held no innate fear of werewolves. Actually they garnered a measure of respect from her - well, the ones who embraced their change, reveled in the hunt and the kill; as she did, in her own way. Those who drowned themselves in self-pity were, beyond being reduced to sub-human status, foolish and obnoxious. Supposing a werewolf in the family would have been an insufferable scandal, she found herself surprisingly lacking alarm. Perhaps this would benefit Draco, depending on what side effects were imparted. The boy needed a bit of bloodlust in his life. And to survive a mauling from Fenrir? To escape with life intact and blood untainted? Simply smashing. Although she might share this sentiment with Lucius, she was loathe to breath a word of it to Narcissa.

While she placed two sugar cubes in her cup, something registered in her mind.

"Wait - why on earth did he give an interview to The bloody Prophet? You know they'll only exploit the situation - how could you allow this?" she asked with great concern.

Even as she said this, her mind was suddenly reeling with the possibilities. How much longer would Lucius insist on strictly legal activities? Draco Malfoy, poster boy for the life-threatening oppression of these infernal tracking devices? Crisis though it may have been, Bellatrix always had a knack for seeing the silver lining to even the most violent storm cloud.


vincere_aut_mor March 26 2008, 18:40:59 UTC
Lucius arrived quickly at his sitting room. Aside of the fact that Potter was presently gracing their home, he wanted to be sure that Bellatrix was not upsetting his wife. Sister or not, she had a habit of being tactless and callous. He didn't want her any more distressed than she already was.

He arrived outside the hall in time to hear Bellatrix asking why Draco had given the Prophet an interview, and asking why Narcissa had allowed it. Assuming the worst, he stepped into the sitting room.

"Good afternoon ladies," he said with a smile, mostly aimed at his wife. He looked at Bellatrix, wishing he could throw her out now.

"Were you telling Bellatrix about the reporters earlier?" he said seamlessly, "do you honestly think I would allow those vultures into my home? No, it was an independant paper."

He looked at Narcissa, wishing she could read his mind, hoping and praying she wouldn't mention Potter's name.


regal_narcissa March 27 2008, 12:53:32 UTC
She had told Tibby to tell Master Malfoy that her sister was here; she had not expected him to immediately come and join them. His smile was charming as he came into the room, and she was pleased to see him; there wasn't a time when she did not enjoy his company. But she knew that his concern was for Draco, as was her's at the present moment.

Narcissa decided to defer to Lucius's answer and nodded at his words, agreeing with him. She continued, "There is not much more I can add. He is exhausted, the poor dear. And he has made us quite proud."

Narcissa pointed at Bellatrix's device on her wrist, "He couldn't do much but fight the attacker off with manual force. We are just grateful that he will survive."

Narcissa didn't know how much more she should say to her sister. If Lucius hadn't been there, she might have revealed more, as she craved the interactions of the past with her sister. Lucius's presence was a clear reminder that Bellatrix had other motivations, that usually did not include family compassion for the trouble they could be facing. Her journal entry flashed through her mind, as she recalled the elderly woman's description of an attack by Death Eaters. Bellatrix would have no problem killing children; she was ruthless.

Narcissa looked briefly at Lucius, and then turned to her sister, "I probably should have told you that today would not be the best day for a visit with Draco. Besides, Bella, you were to come to visit me. How are you? Have you found a pastime? A vocation or a hobby to occupy your time?"

She smirked at Bella, and wondered if she had been successful with Rabastan.


toujoursfideles March 27 2008, 14:58:56 UTC
Her narrowed eyes flicked between Lucius and Narcissa. She hated this, their united front routine. Why on earth was Lucius even present? She had indeed come only to see Narcissa, and the simple coincidence that Draco had recently been assaulted wasn't her fault. Tongue aching to be loosed, she kept a snipe regarding Lucius' inability to protect Draco and its correlation to the circling media vultures from escaping her mouth. It wouldn't do to aggravate Lucius in his own home.

"Of course, I understand," Bellatrix said sweetly. "I'll do nothing to upset his recovery. Knowing that he's on the mend is enough to satisfy me."

Honestly, it wasn't as though she had no heart - Draco was the last surviving male of Black descent, a fact that weighed heavily on Bellatrix. He was her sister's son, he was blood! Her only interest in seeing her nephew was to indicate her pride, to assure him that his position was not endangered. After all, that would have been her greatest concern in the same situation. But no matter, if Lucius' presence meant that they were reduced to pleasantries, so be it.

"I've taken up gardening," she said blandly, containing her amusement at the mundane nature of the topic. At least she was growing interesting things, like asphodel, and wormwood. Gods what a ridiculous conversation. She wondered if Narcissa would laugh aloud. "I've most recently acquired a bit of alihotsy and hellebore."

"And for some reason, Rabastan has taken to making social calls," she added, careful to keep her eyes on Narcissa. She still didn't know how much of their plan she would reveal to Lucius. Perhaps it was better if he didn't know. With a slightly sharper tone she added, "Though I suppose a man has a right to visit his own bloody house."

Although she and Rabastan had achieved something of a truce, she was still not pleased about their financial relationship. And despite her natural affection for a like-minded peer, his contrast to his brother only exacerbated her awareness of her late husband's absence. It was a conflicting experience, to both crave and loathe his presence because of the reminder it served. Instead of dwelling on this she simply took another sip of tea.


vincere_aut_mor March 27 2008, 17:23:32 UTC
Bellatrix was indeed Narcissa's sister, and as such he felt a certain duty to her. Certainly, he wouldn't watch whilst she was hexed to death, or say, on fire and unable to defend herself--though the prospect of such was worthy of entertainment--but clearly she was not safe to allow into the intimacy of family life. Her threats on Draco, and her frequent half-veiled suggestions of his failure, combined with a distinct lack of support all round meant that he wasn't too concerned at preventing a close relationship between the sisters.

It didn't take much imagination to realise Bellatrix's motivations in her concern for Draco. His son was the last hope for the continuation of the Black family line, and was heir to great wealth from both sides. A series of fortunate facts for Draco; regardless of his aunt's waning opinion of him, he would take everything. Lucius occasionally was given to wonder whether Mr Black had chosen to acknowledge the law that allowed his daughters to inheret property. Many pureblood families did not, and any property could only pass to the oldest child married, where upon it became the property of the husband.

If that indeed were the case, Lucius was presently owner of Black Manor. But even if it were not, Draco was guranteed his wealth by grace of being a Malfoy.

Occasionally Lucius wondered if he and Naricssa had somehow inherited defective genes. Love of one's children seemed particularly uncommon amongst their sort, and certainly most degrees of self-sacrifice or tolerance of their children was seen as weakness in the extreme.

With a angry burst of thought, he wondered if Bellatrix had been one of those to torture Draco. Not that she'd admit it. Not if she ever wanted to speak to her sister again.

Lucius also looked at Narcissa as Bellatrix began to mention Rabastan, having merely rolled his eyes at the gardening. If Rabastan had taken to making social calls to Bellatrix it could mean one of two things, either a) This was an attempt to re-insert himself into polite society, or b) The calls weren't as social as Bellatrix would have them believe.


regal_narcissa March 29 2008, 17:43:44 UTC
Narcissa found she was getting a headache; the dance between her husband and her sister was the last thing she need or wanted to witness. Lucius was exacting and sharp eyed when it came to Bellatrix; he knew her better in some ways then she did. Their days together in the service of the Dark Lord ment Lucius was witness to a part of Bellatrix that Narcissa knew was present but had rarely seen. Narcissa was sure that Bellatrix didn't exactly mean their family harm; Bella had her own vision, expectations and goals for her sister and her nephew. They probably didn't align with Lucius's own goals for their son.

Bella's comment at gardening made Narcissa cough as she took a sip of tea; she sputtered slightly as she cleared her throat. She could barely hide the laughter shaking her shoulders as she tried to excuse herself, and cover her smile with her hand as she coughed again. When she could speak clearly, she said, "That is wonderful, Bella. Isn't that a wonderful hobby, Lucius?! Our mother was fond of her plants and flowers. You ought to attempt to grow those blue roses that she worked so hard to maintain."

She met Bellatrix's eyes and just nodded at her comments about Rabastan. Again, Lucius knew perhaps more about him than he cared to reveal, but Narcissa knew her sister needed some male companionship. And who else could possible handle her wild, impulsive passionate sister? Narcissa thought they would suit each other, if they came to some amicable understanding.

Her headache pulsed again, and she slightly winced. She just needed to take a potion, she was sure, and sleep. She hadn't been sleeping much these past nights; there were more of the same expected in the future. The full moon was Friday evening, and Narcissa was quite sure she wouldn't be able to sleep a wink that night as well.

"I shall have to come and visit your garden sometime."

She looked at Bellatrix, waiting for an invitation. She glanced at Lucius; she was trying to end their meeting more quickly so that the Potter boy would have no opportunity to see that Bellatrix was in the Manor. If that ment sacrificing herself to visit her sister at the Lestrange Manor, then so be it. She knew he would not want her to go, but she also understood his concern for the present situation.


toujoursfideles March 29 2008, 21:54:43 UTC
Seeing Narcissa break decorum prompted Bellatrix to raise her cup to her lips once again to hide her wide smile. Since they were children it was a game she had always enjoyed. These silly rules had to be broken once in a while, and it was far more enjoyable to provoke her little sister into doing it.

At the comment regarding their mother she gave an indifferent shrug. She had always enjoyed the blue roses, but if it was at all possible to avoid discussing their late mother Bellatrix simply never brought the woman up.

The strain around Narcissa's eyes did not go unnoticed. Perhaps this was a touch too trying, Bellatrix realized. She cast a wary, measuring glance at home's patriarch. Lucius should probably have insisted Narcissa take some time to herself to recover from this whole ordeal - the attack, the reporters, the presumable stream of visitors and well-wishers. Yes, a visit to her own home would be much more enjoyable, and free from interruption.

"Naturally," Bellatrix nodded to Narcissa, setting down her teacup, actively ignoring the undercurrent of tension in the room. Knowing full well that until Draco was pronounced perfectly fine there would be no end to Narcissa's fretting Bellatrix offered, "Perhaps Sunday or Monday, after you've gotten through the weekend."

Something felt amiss, and she was unlikely to discover the cause with Lucius skulking about. Decision made, she swung into the mode that had been calling to her since stepped into the mansion.

"Really, Cissy, I don't see how you're still standing with all this," she began, standing herself. "It simply cannot do. You must get some rest if I have to put you to bed myself."

The distance between them closed as Bellatrix placed her hand on Narcissa's shoulder. "Take some tea and a potion to help you sleep. I know this cuts our visit short, but you must think of your health - I wont take no for an answer."

She fully expected Narcissa to protest out of a sense of propriety, just as she expected Narcissa knew she would not be swayed. Far better to simply reschedule than to have their conversation stifled due to Lucius.


regal_narcissa March 30 2008, 01:42:08 UTC
She smirked at her sister's mother actions towards her. Bellatrix was like a second mother to her; it was comforting that for all of their trials, Bella would act like so dotting, even in front of Lucius.

"Bella, really, I am fine. And yes, a potion and rest will make me right as rain. But I did not want to completely miss your visit."

Narcissa rose to slip her arm around her sister's waist, "It was so good of you to worry about me."

Narcissa was pleased that Bellatrix had understood her meaning. She felt the sooner she could get her sister gone from her house, the better her husband would feel. But for a moment, she faltered in her feelings, realizing that Lucius might not agree to her leaving the Manor; the werewolf was still at large.

"I will be happy to come to visit you, Bellatrix but can you help ease my fears? A promise that I will be safe? You see, the werewolf who attack Draco is still at large, and we are unsure as to if it was a random attack or a specific strike against our family. I told Lucius I would not leave the Manor, unless absolutely necessary. Now, I fear, the threat is more tangible. Will you be able to promise me that no unexpected company will be present?"

She knew that her sister would never hurt her; the question was for Lucius. She didn't think he would permit her to go if he felt there was a chance she might be victimized while there; hell, he might even think she kept company with Greyback. The idea that such a thing could be possible got Narcissa thinking. Maybe her sister knew more about the werewolf. It was possible she knew his whereabouts; that would be a golden nugget of information if she could obtain it.

Narcissa looked expectantly at Bella and then to Lucius, to confirm his approval.


toujoursfideles March 30 2008, 02:45:50 UTC
Before Narcissa stood Bellatrix ran an unnecessary hand to smooth Narcissa's hair. "Not another word about it. You need rest, and I will see you again soon."

Returning the gentle hug, she smiled. This sort of thing was precisely why she really must stop by more often. But when Narcissa voiced her fears, Bellatrix's face fell, only ever so slightly. An eyebrow slowly arched. Though before Bellatrix could even get riled that her sister would fear to visit her, she realized Lucius was to blame. Of course she'd be terrified at every turn, the poor thing. Unlike Lucius, she was prepared to do all that was necessary to protect the ones she cared for.

Fuck. Don't say that. Oh gods don't say it, she begged herself. Just don't say it.

Taking her sister's hand her lips were pressed firmly together, eyes sharply trained on Narcissa to avoid even the possibility of meeting Lucius' gaze.

"I fear there will always be dangers in this world," she said gravely, but gently. "But as long as I'm around, I will permit no harm to come to you, and my home will always be a place where you are safe." With a dark smirk she added, "Even if it means ripping a mongrel to shreds and stripping the flesh from its bones."

Narcissa would understand that such a statement was a heartfelt declaration of love - at least when it was coming from Bellatrix.


regal_narcissa March 30 2008, 03:39:19 UTC
Narcissa returned her sister's hug and felt confirmed; she knew that Bella had her family's best interests at heart. It made her wonder, fleetingly, how Bella had felt when they had tortured Draco. Had she tried to stop it? Narcissa strongly thought that Bellatrix could not have been part of such a experience; she loved Draco. It was just too bad that he would not accept his aunt's favor at this time. It made Narcissa laugh internal; of course he wouldn't accept Bellatrix! He hardly accepted his own mother's love right now! She would have to make sure her sister understood that it was nothing personal; that Draco was..she couldn't think how to explain what Draco was currently experiencing. It was certainly nothing she or her sister had ever felt when they were in their early twenties.

At Bella's words, Narcissa looked comforted.

"Excellent. I should very much like to see the corpse, if you don't mind."

She gave her sister another hug, and with her arm around her, began to walk her to the door of the sitting room. She rested her head on her shoulder, and looked over to catch Lucius's eye. She hoped he would be pleased by all that he had heard, comforted in some small way.


vincere_aut_mor March 30 2008, 11:49:35 UTC
Nothing Bellatrix said could ever bring Lucius comfort. The display of affection was touching, but Lucius believed if it came to it, Bellatrix would sacrifice her sister for her own survival in a moment. As Bellatrix fawned over her, he could see Narcissa completely drawn in by it. He might as well have addressed his former cautions to a wall.

He could just imagine Naricssa's visit, earnestly trying to rekindle their sisterly relationship with the fuel of informtion best left out of Bellatrix's hands.

Lucius met Naricssa's gaze without expression. She couldn't ask him to feel reassured of Bellatrix's protection, and he wouldn't give his approval of this visit.

As they left he room he sat down. Narcissa wouldn't be happy if he prevented her from seeing Bellatrix, but it was possibly for her own protection. He wondered if his own ill-feeling towards his sister-in-law inspired his reluctance to allow his wife to visit her home alone.

No. He didn't trust Bellatix.


toujoursfideles March 31 2008, 00:46:15 UTC
"Of course," Bellatrix assured Narcissa, delighting in the blond's dark request.

Permitting herself to be led out by Narcissa, she shot Lucius a mockery of a smile over Narcissa's head. Now that she thought about it, she realized how conveniently this all played out for her. Her next visit with her sister would be free from both the intruding presence and the watchful eyes of Lucius. All the campaigning and good behavior was turning him into a bore. And he used to be such fun.

As they proceeded toward the main entrance Bellatrix returned her attention to her sister.

"Now just as soon as you're up to it, send an owl," she instructed. "And do try to take it easy - and let me know how the weekend proceeds. I'm sure everything will be just fine, you'll see. If you need me for anything, don't hesitate to ask."

She was not about to let Lucius' huffy moods bar their interactions. So much time had been stolen from them, she was eager to make up for their missing years. And besides, Cissa always had a clever knack for discerning Lucius' motives when they eluded Bellatrix. Surely Narcissa could shed some light on how the campaign was really going.


regal_narcissa March 31 2008, 12:43:14 UTC
Narcissa smirked at her sister, and nodded, "You really do mother me too much, Bella. I'll be better, but thank you for your concern."

She looked at her sister, thinking about the last journal entry Bella had written. Bella had expressed some ideas that were disturbing, to Lucius and to Draco. When she had read the entry, Narcissa had not been sure whether Bella had been serious or not. Narcissa had known her sister was into what could be construed as deviant activities; Bella did have a violent nature. But she could not believe that Bella was more serious or sarcastic in her comments.

She had criticized Narcissa as well, which had been rather insulting, especially about how her younger sister treated Draco. Narcissa thought her sister did not understand the trials of having a child. There was no real way Bella could fathom how a child could twist into one's heart so that one was powerless against their wishes. Narcissa thought if she did anything, she would explain to Bella that violence and force were the last things that would work to convince her son to see any errors in his thinking. Not that Narcissa now agreed that there were any errors; the new generation was different. And Draco could become one of what her sister called filthy beasts.

Bellatrix would be stubborn; she thought they were much alike in that respect. They were both from the royal house of Black, notorious for their strong beliefs; it just seemed for Narcissa, her thinking was changing. She knew Bella would not like the changes; her sister would not approve. But Narcissa was determined NOT to lose her son. But she wasn't worried about Bellatrix trying to change her way of thinking; if anything Narcissa thought she could go debate with her sister and be triumphant. She had convinced Bellatrix to make an Unbreakable Vow with her and Severus, as much as Severus had disgusted Bellatrix. Narcissa was confident that she would visit her sister, learn something of value from her to share with Lucius, and educate the older woman on how best to approach her nephew.

"I will send the owl on Monday. Then, I shall come over."

Narcissa watched as Bellatrix left, and turned to return to her responsibilities. She thought she would sit more with Draco, once the Potter boy left. She glanced up the stairs and wondered how that interchange was going.


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