(no subject)

Mar 20, 2008 20:50

Characters: Augustus Rookwood, Lucius Malfoy and Antonin Dolohov (NPC)
Date: Thursday March 20, 2002
Time: Late night
Location: Ipswich
Rating: PG

Augustus pulled his cloak about him tightly, the hood already drawn low down over his face. It was dark, and while cliche as it was to do such deeds in the dark, he thought it would be worse to do it at sun-up or sun-down. The beginning or ending of an era, a day, a life. And so, he'd chosen what they'd all be most comfortable with. In theory.

While he'd wanted to use Rabastan, the boy had proven he'd hold them no loyalty. Given that case, he would much rather offer the option to someone who had at least once had more respect for Lucius, for what he'd accomplished, and certainly for what he could do. It had taken less time than he'd worried it would, to find him. No owls, no magic, just carefully made notes in journals that Augustus had kept safe.

Never fully relying on his own memory, Augustus had journals for each of the prominent Death Eaters or other contacts he'd made throughout the years. After two stints in Azkaban, he'd found the notes more reliable and valuable than he'd ever admit. This was his real treasure. That he'd charmed them tight with hexes didn't bother him. He used various locking and unlocking spells constantly. He imagined the poor fool tracking him gained headaches daily. The thought warmed his blood.

However, the task at hand, Antonin Dolohov, one of the oldest Death Eaters still around, would be waiting for them tonight, with their offer of reintroduction to society. Oh, he wasn't sure he'd found the same solution that Rabastan had used. In fact, he was quite certain it wasn't. Though he'd gotten the idea from Muggle rags as he'd followed the trail to his quarry. Plastic surgery, they called it. Able to transform someone into someone else. Permanently. The theory was sound. Proper, complete transfiguration on a wizard to change every detail. The only problem, the only glitch, was they needed one more at their call. Thankfully, his skills at negotiation were well in hand, and he'd solved that potential issue. Or at least, solved it enough that he could convincingly and reasonably argue that it was taken care of.

Silently, he led Lucius to the pre-arranged spot, a small grove just beyond a Muggle tavern. As they approached, he noted the lone figure and held up a hand to stay Lucius. He continued towards the figure, noting Antonin with a simple nod.

"Antonin Dolohov," he greeted quietly.

The man returned the nod, "Augustus Rookwood. I see you brought company?"

"As agreed upon. Only us three."

Antonin nodded then motioned for Lucius to approach.

Augustus wondered why Antonin had never fled England, though it wasn't something he'd ask now, not when the fact he'd been hiding out would be so useful for all of them. He turned to Lucius. "According to plan then."

The plan, elaborate in simplicity, was to present Antonin Dolohov, rogue Death Eater at-large, to the Ministry for justice. Illustrating that Lucius Malfoy was of course, fully reformed. If some of that light shone onto Augustus, well, the better to gain the pardon later. Now, though, it was important to get Lucius as Minister. Everything else would follow.

Antonin's hope for living in the Wizarding world again would require one of two scenarios. Either Death Eaters ruled and the world righted itself, unfortunately not likely, or he would have to live as someone else. A brand new identity that had no past to follow, no possible trappings in Wizarding Britain. And Augustus could offer that to him. Well, not Augustus personally, but Augustus as orchestrator.

status: complete, character: augustus rookwood, character: lucius malfoy

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