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Re: Cocktails, 5:30 - 6:00 pm safinnigan March 21 2008, 01:39:07 UTC
Seamus was seated in the front of the Prancing Unicorn for the wedding, more than glad for Caleb to be the one in front of the crowd this time and not himself. Caleb, however did not looked anything but supremely happy. Seamus was extremely happy himself, filled with memories of his and Char’s lovely wedding in Kenmare nearly a year past. Constance Beven Finnigan was in Kenmare now with her namesake Grandmother, but Char was here, and looking beyond lovely in her bridesmaid gown.

Seamus couldn’t take his eyes off his beautiful wife as she came down the aisle with Remus, taking her place at the front and trying (unsuccessfully) to calm Caleb’s excited bouncing. Seamus wondered if he had bounced around like that at his own wedding. It made him smile to thing about it - he might have! He beamed at Char all during the wedding, anxious to have her back at his side so they could hold hands, dance and spend some husband and wife time alone without their precious babe for a while…

Stella looked very pretty, and just as happy as Caleb. They were getting off to such a great start in their married life, surrounded by friends and family; Seamus was anxious to collect Char, head off to the reception and wish them well.

As soon as he was able to get close to the happy couple he greeted them warmly, wishing them great happiness.

“Caleb, you lucky bloke! Congratulations on coaxing this fine lady into marrying you before she found out what you’re really like, mate!” Seamus laughed hardily, shaking Caleb’s hand and grinning broadly at the new groom. He quickly turned to Stella, giving her a quick kiss and a big hug. “’Tis a beautiful bride you are, luv. Char and I wish you all the happiness to be found in this life, as much as we’ve found. The best to ye both!” He winked at Stella, as he pulled Char by the hand under his arm so they could head off towards the bar.

It was definitely time to drink a toast to the bride and groom!


Re: Cocktails, 5:30 - 6:00 pm wolf_caleb March 21 2008, 05:39:04 UTC
"Seamus!" Caleb cried, slapping his friend on the back and hugging him tightly. "Thanks for coming mate. My side of the altar was pretty bare there," he said, chuckling. "It was nice having "family" there. Where's my baby girl?" he asked, looking for little Stan.

He then turned to Charlotte, kissing her on the cheek. "Thank you again for standing up for me, it meant more than you can possibly know to have my little sister there. My family."

Caleb merely grinned when Charlotte started going off on him with emotional French.


Re: Cocktails, 5:30 - 6:00 pm safinnigan March 21 2008, 16:34:57 UTC
"We think of you as family, too, mate!" Seamus beamed as Char gushed in her native French, clearly as happy for Caleb as he was.

"Ah, then, our very own babe is in Kenmare with her Gran, and she's not after being yours, mate, 'til Sunday after Easter when the little Miss is to be Baptized at Holy Cross Church in Kenmare." Seamus laughed and gave Caleb a conspiratorial wink. "'Twill be back from your honeymoon, if not recovered from it by then, right?" Then he laughed again, pleased that Stella and Caleb had agreed to be Stan's God Parents. It was important to make sure their beloved Miss had all the love and care she could ever need, not that Seamus ever expected such need to arise. After the War, he knew better than most that anything could and had happened.

"You lot going off somewheres? Or is Char, here, trying to make you work at Trésor Littéraire then regardless?" He laughed and pulled Char up under his arm, ignoring her bi-lingual protestations to the contrary and the forceful if playful elbow in his ribs.

"Get Lavender to keep us in business whilst you and the Mrs. are off celebrating!" He was delighted that Lavender was working with Char and Caleb. It made everyone involved happy to have someone they could trust take care of things while Caleb was away and Char was a slave to taking care of Constance.


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