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Re: 6:00 about_abbott March 15 2008, 12:57:54 UTC
Hannah took a sip of the drink. "Not too strong, that's good," she wondered if Dean had told them not to make it strong or if that was the way the bar keep had made the drink.

Placing the drink on the table above her plate, she turned her gaze to the head table where the newlyweds were to be seated. She didn't really know either of them and in all honesty likely wouldn't have come to the wedding had Dean not mentioned it to her. Just seeing the way Caleb beamed at Stella as he helped her through the crowd and payed attention to her every move was romantic in and of itself. "They do seem perfectly suited for one another."

She took her roll in her hands and began to pick it apart as she thought. She wondered if she'd ever have someone truely look at her like that. Yes, Dean was being more attentive, but they were no where near anything hightly emotionally, yet alone spiritually, connected. Perhaps they'd be there some day, but for now she was still trying to figure out how long it would be before his time wasn't hers anymore.

Those thoughts were interupted when Ron walked up to the table. It had been a few weeks since the fiasco at the Gala, still Hannah wasn't sure how the two would react together. Dean had told her nothing about settling things with his old dorm mate. Not trusting her own words, Hannah placed a bit of roll into her mouth and decided to watch how Dean handled the new arrival.


Re: 6:00 gryffndean March 15 2008, 18:22:39 UTC
Dean nodded as Ron joined them- he hadn't seen the redhead since the Gala, though he'd apologized through the journals. Still, the fact that Ron was coming up to them (and not punching Dean on sight) was a good sign.

"Yeah, it's been a nice evening so far," Dean agreed, noting Ron's glance around the room. He'd seen both Hermione and Lavender earlier, of course, but decided not to mention anything as he was sure it was probably still a sore spot with Ron.

Dean noticed that Hannah was not speaking, and hoped that Ron's presence wasn't bothering her.


Re: 6:00 yngstweasleybro March 15 2008, 22:04:13 UTC
Ron also noted that Hannah hadn't said anything, and that she had a plate of shredded roll in front of her. He looked at Dean, and put a smile on his face but internally he wondered if, perhaps, he had jumped the gun. Maybe Hannah was not with his friend. He felt odd about it; Dean had obviously reacted to the idea of someone mucking about with Hannah. Dean's actions had spoke loudly of his possessiveness over the young woman, but the way Hannah seemed withdrawn and silent gave sign to some other underlying issue between the two of his friends.

Ron could not handle the silence and plundered ahead to fill it with idle chatter.

"You know, its pretty brave of you two, coming to a wedding together. So, how many people have pestered you about when you two are gonna get married? When Bill and Fleur had their wedding, ever single time I walked about, I must of heard if fifty times, 'How about you, Ron? Going to pop the question?' and I wasn't even finished with school!"

"Still, you have to respect them for taking the big leap. Devoting their lives to each other and such. I know I'll do it someday; can't see myself not married. Now the tricky part is figuring out who the gal is gonna be. She'd have to be pretty special; the initiation ceremony involves eating and eight Weasleys. That alone would wipe out two thirds of my choices."

Ron grinned at the idea of his family, practically mauling any woman he brought home to meet. If a wedding was an uncomfortable place for a budding couple, the grilling from the Weasley clan could undo most people's sanity. His brothers were notorious for being merciless. Ron took a sip of his soda, and put it down.

"I think I owe you two an apology for the other night. I don't remember too much of what happened. Hannah, I could swear I was speaking to you about something, but the next day, I was surprised. I thought you were mad at me. How are things at the Diagon Alley shop?"

He looked at her, the small smirkish grin on his face, trying to send her a message that said, You ditched the Hogsmeade shop because of me, didn't you?


Re: 6:00 about_abbott March 15 2008, 23:37:41 UTC
Hannah hadn't spoken because she was carefully watching the interaction between Dean and Ron. She smiled slightly seeing that the two men were getiing along fairly decently. However, her smile turned her choking on a bit of her roll when Ron mentioned the possibility of others wondering when she and Dean would get married.

Dropping the roll, she reached for the glass of water instead of the drink Dean had brought her. By the time she took a few sips and finished her coughing fit Hannah was grateful Ron had moved onto another topic.

Deciding it was best not to say another word about what went down at the Gala, Hannah opted for the work conversation. "Things are going well. We've been selling St. Patrick's day items like crazy. I'm sure the store in Hogsmeade is moving along rather well?"


Re: 6:00 gryffndean March 16 2008, 21:08:39 UTC
Dean nearly choked on his beer at Ron's inquiry as to whether people had asked when he and Hannah were getting married. Thankfully, though, it seemed that Hannah had a similar reaction! After all, they'd only been 'officially' dating for a few weeks now- certainly not time enough to start thinking about a wedding!

Dean was appreciative that Hannah picked up the conversation- not only because of the slight choking moment, but also because it meant that she and Ron were alright with each other. Things had obviously gone sour between them at some point (hence Hannah's story at the Gala and the subsequent punching) but it was great that they were at least on speaking terms again.

"I think any joke shop in Hogsmeade is going to do well," Dean chimed in, smiling. "Because Hogwarts will never be without students wanting to prank each other." Goodness knows they'd all spent a mint of money at Zonko's in their school days, and now Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was doing the same for a new batch of Hogwarts students.


Re: 6:00 yngstweasleybro March 17 2008, 04:36:33 UTC
"Well, Fred and George pretty much hit pay load with these shops; they are just brilliant about coming up with new gags. I think some exploding eggs are already in the works for the Easter holiday. And then who knows what they have planned for the end of term; if I know them, there will be something amazing for the students at Hogwarts. Its important to support them in their academic efforts."

Ron sat, and at a bit of the food set in front of him, uncommonly silent for a few minutes.

"I'm going to study and take my NEWTs. I've decided I've got to get serious with my life."

He took another sip of his drink, and looked at Hannah, "I still owe you a trip to the Weasley's house for dinner sometime, Hannah. If you are free to accept my kind offer?"

Ron looked at Hannah, and then at Dean. He did owe her a trip to dinner; a family dinner if he could swing it. It was up to Hannah, but Ron had a feeling it was also sort of up to Dean as well.


Re: 6:00 about_abbott March 18 2008, 22:50:58 UTC
Hannah nodded in agreement with Dean's observation of the way joke shops ran in Diagon Alley. More often than not she remembered Justin and Ernie bringing back many items for the enjoyment of the first and second years who weren't allowed into town. The memory brought to her mind the wonderings as to where her two friends had landed after the war, if they had even survived it.

When Ron mentioned finishing his NEWTs, she had completely forgotten that he along with other students had missed their final year in preparation for the impending war. She didn't know what they had done in the interim. She hadn't been given the option to prepare or go to school. Had she stayed home that year there would have been no further education for Hannah. With Jillian gone, the girl's only option for the last bit of her formal education was attendance during her final year of schooling.

"Dinner with the Weasley's seems kind of overbearing. I'm certain to get the third, fourth and fifth degree if I show alone." It was now her turn to look between Dean and Ron. Hopefully, Ron would catch the fact that she didn't want anyone to mistake them as a couple. After what had already happened and the way the incident had to have made Mr. Weasley's campaign look, Hannah didn't think Ron needed to open any more doors for gossip against that family.


Re: 6:00 gryffndean March 19 2008, 02:39:32 UTC
Dean became a bit wary when Ron invited Hannah for dinner, but appreciated that his friend seemed to defer to him, at least a bit. Not that Dean had any say over what Hannah did or not, but it was nice to know that Ron at least acknowledged his presence.

Hannah's response, too, was definitely reassuring.

"Actually, I think I owe you a family dinner too, don't I, Hannah?" Dean asked, remembering that he'd said she should meet his siblings at some point. "You are just a popular dinner guest, I guess!"


Re: 6:00 yngstweasleybro March 19 2008, 02:54:48 UTC
"Hannah, are you sure? Even though the main people doing the grilling would be Fred and George?"

But Ron caught her glance at Dean, and stepped up quickly, "Well, maybe it would be best to have the two of you over. I'll have to talk to my mum about it, and make sure she is not too busy. I don't know when me and my friends have popped in for a Weasley meal. Its been ages."

He shook his head, smiling, "Times are changing. My mom's a working woman. It's just hard for me to get used to. She was always busy as a bee; its just so strange to know she's out and about in the workforce."

Ron turned towards Dean, "So, how's the office? What do you do exactly? I remember something vaguely about having the afternoons off now. You get paid for that kind of work, do you?"

Ron was curious; he had been out of touch with Dean for quite awhile.


Re: 6:00 about_abbott March 19 2008, 03:11:30 UTC
"Yes, I'm fairly certain." Fred and George grilling her at the house then teasing her at work, that was definitely the last thing she needed. "Besides, your Mum must be quite busy these days. Not only is she working, but she's got to be the perfect wife for a political candidate."

By now, Hannah wanted to concentrate on finishing her roast so she turned her focus to her plate so the men folk could talk. Besides, she too wanted to know the answer to what it was exactly that Dean did all day.


Re: 6:00 gryffndean March 28 2008, 06:03:09 UTC
Dean thought dinner at the Weasley's sounded brilliant- at least after Ron had extended the invitation to both of them. It would definitely be something to think about, at least.

At Ron's question Dean smiled, taking a sip of his beer before answering.

"Well, right now I'm working as a legal assistant," he explained. "Which includes everything from fetching teas to sitting in on depositions and taking notes." It was one of the things Dean liked best about his job- it was different every day.

"Since last spring, Mr. Bingley has had me researching aspects of the werewolf legislation- it started out as part of our appeal to get Mandy and Zak off of the Registry, but has turned into a sort of pet project for the both of us." It really was amazing what they had come up with- Dean wasn't sure when it would actually become of some use, but was looking forward to the day when it could be.

"Lately, though, I've been focusing more on studying. I'll have my initial solicitor exams at the beginning of April- but Bingley was a bit worried about me burning myself out, so he's limited my hours till then." Really, Dean was rather happy with his new hours, and thought it was great that his bosses were being so supportive of his efforts to do well.

"It's not quite as amusing as your job, I'm sure," Dean smiled at Ron. "But I like it well enough."


Re: 6:00 yngstweasleybro March 31 2008, 00:01:31 UTC
"Oh, my job's amusing enough. Keeps me busy, that's for sure. And I've been curse breaking with Charlie, to help him out. It is pretty interesting stuff, although sometimes I feel a bit like a fake. Its tricky work, and if you get it wrong, is bloody awful! But I've been pretty lucky, so far."

Ron ate his meal as he spoke, although he wasn't too hungry, knowing Hermione was close by somewhere.

"I think they'll be dancing. Dean, can I steal Hannah away from you? For a spin on the floor? I owe her that much, for being such a great associate. Would you dance with me, Hannah?"

Ron glanced at Hannah. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to ask her first or ask Dean; it was fairly awkward but he wasn't going to be daunted. If he were Dean, he would be hard pressed to let another man dance with his girlfriend. If Hannah was his girlfriend, his life would be very different he mused as he glanced from Dean to the pretty blond. She would be good for him; she would be good for any man. He was curious as to if his friend was figuring that out.


Re: 6:00 about_abbott March 31 2008, 00:22:48 UTC
Hannah was relieved when Ron asked her to dance. Both gentlemen knew about her work and having her rehash a day that one or the other had been a party too would basically bore them all.

"I'm sure he won't mind," Hannah replied as she allowed Ron to lead her to the dance floor.


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