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Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm prof_stargazer March 14 2008, 12:00:11 UTC


Re: Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm prof_stargazer March 15 2008, 00:32:34 UTC
Everything had been going wonderfully so far- it seemed like all the guests were having a good time, and Stella was fairly sure she'd at least said hello to everyone.

However, there were parts of the evening when the only person she wanted to see was Caleb, and this was one of those times. They had danced a bit when Caleb had proposed, and Stella had been looking forward to their first dance as husband and wife. When the first strains of music started after dinner, Stella smiled, taking Caleb's hand.

"I know you're supposed to ask, but shall we?" Stella grinned, nodding towards the dance floor.


Re: Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm wolf_caleb March 15 2008, 00:44:48 UTC
Caleb had enjoyed the evening, had managed to make polite conversation without making too big of an arse of himself, but really, he only had eyes for Stella. He'd never seen her glow the way she had been since the ceremony, and he was beginning to resent every time someone else needed his attention.

The suggestion to dance couldn't have come at a better time.

"I thought you'd never ask," Caleb grinned, pushing back from the table.

He led Stella out onto the empty dance floor, and as soon as she was in his arms, the rest of the room disappeared. "I love you, Mrs. Moore," he whispered against her ear as they began to sway to the music.


7:00pm prof_stargazer March 15 2008, 00:54:07 UTC
Caleb's words caused a delightful shiver to run through Stella, and she brushed a soft kiss against his cheek.

"And I love you, Mr. Moore," she murmured, a wide grin appearing on her face. Truly, she was happier tonight than she ever could have imagined being, and every moment just made it more real and wonderful.

"I'm so proud of you, love," she continued, her voice quiet and happy. "You've been wonderful." Stella knew it was hard for Caleb, sometimes, to get over his shyness, but she hadn't seen a trace of it tonight.


Re: 7:00pm wolf_caleb March 15 2008, 01:40:10 UTC
Caleb chuckled. "Haven't stuck my foot in it all night," he said proudly. "Or if I have, I haven't noticed and people are too nice to tell me on my wedding day."

He spun Stella around, before tucking her hand against his chest again. "So what's left tonight? A toast or two? A couple of dances? Then we can go home?" he asked hopefully. He would give Stella whatever she wanted on today of all days, but he definitely hoped she wanted to go home soon. He wanted nothing more than to be alone with his bride.


Re: 7:00pm prof_stargazer March 15 2008, 01:50:05 UTC
Caleb's eagerness to go home was not a surprise to Stella- he'd been asking about it since just after the ceremony ended!

"We have to stay a few more hours, love. Plus, we haven't had any cake yet, silly," she smiled, teasing him as she had before.

In reality, Stella would have loved to go home with Caleb this instant, but she knew she couldn't. There were still people she hadn't talked with, not to mention that they still had to cut the cake, and she needed to dance with many people, namely her father.

"I promise, though, I will let you know the moment we can leave."


Re: 7:00pm wolf_caleb March 15 2008, 01:56:33 UTC
"Right! Cake! How could I forget cake, best part of the night," he teased.

More people were beginning to join them on the dance floor, including Stella's parents. "Your dad is looking anxious to dance with his little girl," Caleb said, nodding toward Stella's parents. "Think your mum would mind having a dance with her good for nothing son in law?"

Caleb was joking of course. He'd grown very fond of Stella's family and had a particularly soft spot for her mother. She had welcomed him to the family with open arms, despite his werewolf status. "What do you say love? Shall we switch?"


Re: 7:00pm prof_stargazer March 15 2008, 02:04:41 UTC
At Caleb's words Stella glanced over, smiling at the sight of her parents dancing. They'd just celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary, and Stella felt a little choked up at the hope that she and Caleb would still be as happy and in love when they reached that milestone.

"I think that would be lovely," Stella nodded as they made their way towards her Mum and Dad.

"Mind if we cut in?" she asked, grinning at her father.

"Of course not," Lucien Sinistra nodded, releasing his wife's hand and smiling at Caleb.


Re: 7:00pm wolf_caleb March 15 2008, 02:21:39 UTC
Caleb kissed Stella's cheek before taking her mother's hand. "May I?" he asked, bowing slightly, then winking at Aradia ( ... )


Re: 7:00pm prof_stargazer March 15 2008, 02:34:20 UTC
Stella easily fell into step with her father- she'd danced with him at many events, though it seemed ages since they had ( ... )


Re: Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm subtle_simmer March 26 2008, 02:42:18 UTC
Severus was not remotely as comfortable as Remus at this event. Firstly, with the exception of Draco whose blond head he saw in the crowd periodically, this event was packed with the sorts of people who were strongly predisposed to rather strongly dislike him, personally, as well as disapprove of his relationship with Remus ( ... )


Re: Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm prof_stargazer March 26 2008, 07:23:13 UTC
"Of course, Severus," Stella beamed, taking the Potion Master's offered hand. "I daresay it will take me a little while to get used to hearing 'Professor Moore'," she admitted as they stepped out onto the dance floor, "But it sounds lovely to me."

Severus was an excellent dancer, as she had found out at the Ball last year, and Stella was always happy to dance with a knowledgeable partner.

"Remus tells me your ceremony will be a bit smaller than this," Stella began, knowing that both men must be just as excited about their upcoming Bonding as she had been about this day. "But I'm sure it will be just as wonderful."


Re: Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm subtle_simmer March 26 2008, 13:58:35 UTC
Taking her hand, he led her to the dance floor and easily rested his hand at her waist - or at least where he believed the waist to be amidst the finery of her extravagant dress.

He had come a long way from the stumbling dancing lessons in Malfoy Manor when he was at the height of his 'awkward teen' years. He did not so much as snag her dress or even risk scuffing her toes as they glided about the floor.

Severus did not entirely trust Caleb Moore, having started out on entirely the wrong foot with the man upon their first meeting. Moore's actions when he decided to grow a spine and rejoin British Wizarding society could have easily risked the safety of Severus' adopted family. It is no surprise to anyone that Severus Snape treated grudge-holding as an art form.

So it was that he could not find anything 'nice' to say about Professor Sinist Moore's pleasure at her new name. In a rare exercise of tact, he left the subject alone ( ... )


Re: Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm prof_stargazer March 26 2008, 16:41:07 UTC
Stella couldn't help but be a bit surprised at Severus's reaction to the number of guests- in her mind, at least, there were not all that many people! Just the staff from school, Order members, all of the Finnigan's employees, a few friends of her parents....

Alright, so it was a fair crowd of people, Stella admitted to herself. She quickly returned her focus to Severus, however, as he continued speaking.

"I am very happy," Stella assured him as they glided over the floor. "As will you be when it is your turn to 'do it properly' as you say." Stella grinned, knowing she could get away with a bit of teasing on this day ( ... )


Re: Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm subtle_simmer March 27 2008, 01:55:37 UTC
He was more than a little embarrassed that she alluded to his dislike of her husband - a subject he would have avoided at all costs no matter how savagely he had to bite his tongue in the process.

Even with the opening she thus provided, Severus would not throw her generous gratitude back in her face by speaking ill of her spouse.

"Remus would have done nothing less for anyone in Moore's place, as well you know. And as the Head of Gryffindor has clearly wrapped me around his fingers, whither he goes, I will follow. You owe me no gratitude.

"We both know any unpleasantness between myself and your husband is exacerbated by my oh-so-charming temperament."

He offered her a self-deprecating smirk, one brow cocked as though daring her to argue.

"As I do not have to live with the man, my opinion is of no importance."


Re: Dancing, 7:00 - 11:30 pm prof_stargazer March 27 2008, 08:02:25 UTC
Stella honestly hadn't been thinking of Severus's opinion of Caleb- just the opposite, actually. She knew that it was difficult for Caleb to get over his opinion of Severus enough to let the man treat his injuries, but Stella appreciated that both of them were making the effort.

She did laugh, though, at Severus's assessments of himself.

"Well, Caleb will be the first to admit that he is extremely stubborn, so between that and your 'temperament', I'm just glad you've been able to work together as much as you have," Stella nodded, figuring they could leave the subject there.

"But really, Severus, I've never seen you happier than you have been this past year or so. I know that is due to Remus, but I am still grateful for all that you have done- regardless of his influence."

After nearly twenty years of working with the man, Stella knew he was not one to accept thanks or compliments well. However, it didn't mean that she was not going to try!


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